Question about ps4 versus pc

i’m watching videos of ps4 clearing 150 in 7.5mins while the top 5 in the world of PC gamers only do it in 14mins or so. Why the big gap in damage? I see the ps4 hit for around 400-500T on screen crits. Is PS4 damage calculated different?

Consoles save the hero data to the local drive. Save editors allow the items to be modded into silly amounts of damage. In other words, they’re cheating.

Do a Google for “Professional Russian’s Fast Sword”

This is not the problem here ! The wiz on ps4 is just really OP versus on PC at the moment. It is true there’s a lot of cheating on console but this is not the reason here.


So the damage calculations must be different, coz he hitting for 500T with no COE. No power pylon. He is using Magnus gear too.