Question about LoD Bomb - Set or Gem?

Sorry for new Topic, but i think no one will look again in the older Topic even when i would edit it.

So, i have the Set Rings
650Str / +7 Ias /+8% CD
Would you use them, or still the gem ?

The Rings now im using is a :
Justice Lantern
+130 Res
+16 Block
+11975 Life per hit
+8% CD
+55% Block

Ring 2 :
+124 Res
+8% CD
+194% Dmg

+Unity in cube

What would you use ?

LOD bomb guide generally runs COE in cube unless you have a ancient/primal COE with good legendary power roll AND good secondary stats (CDR, AD, etc.)

The LOD bomb guide recommends some combo of unity, justice lantern, and SOJ rings. I personally think unity is complete overkill for a strength (30% passive DR bonus) class with aquila cuirass and stone gauntlet DR sources. That leaves justice lantern and SOJ. Ideally you want CDR and AD on these pieces and a physical damage roll on the SOJ.

Your justice lantern and COE ring stats are ok for equipping but they could be better with AD included. High end LOD bomb pushing is all AD cheese because the single target damage is laughable (even with high stricken stacks from pig sticker).

The only reason to use the LON ring set on a bomb build is if you assume that you gain more damage from the bane of trapped gem relative to the damage (and survival) you get from high block cheese using justice lantern (and the high block passive, divine fortress is the name?). Anecdotally from my own pushing experience in S28 towards GR 140’s, the LOD bomb build with high block (justice lantern + akarat’s awakening) felt way better both for damage and survival, such that I didn’t feel a third DPS gem (bane of trapped) was necessary.

Thanks for all the info.
Switched back to Lantern (Ancient Primal ) but allready -8% CD on it so no AD.
Put a CoE in Cube and added an Ancient soj 18% Dmg /642 Str / 26 Elite Dmg / Socked.
And i use akarat’s awakening of course

Edit : What amu would you prefer ?
Primal Ancient 1000/1000/ 20 phys dmg
Eldrich 17% /890 / 968 But with over 8k Thorns dmg
20%Phys dmg / 23950 life on hit/ -8% CDR
Hellife Amu 20%Dmg /830 Str / 23778 life per hit / 9481 Thornes / Indestructible passive

Edit : ha, i got extreme lucky and crafted a perfekt primal phys jordan with -8%CDR.