Question about GotD (resource regeneration)

If I’m not mistaken, there is some complementary item that works with this set that basically ensures your Hatred remains at top level almost all of the time, but I’ve forgotten what it is. Am I mistaken or is there indeed something that does that? I have a non-seasonal DH with that feature and want to enable it on a seasonal DH.

As long as the primaries generated by GoD 4p bonus hit valid targets, they should generate plenty of Hatred. In speed content you can use Night Stalker passive to boost Hatred generation.

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Thanks very much for the reply.

Also using a slow attacking crossbow is an option. The Hatred use of Strafe scales with attack speed, the slower the attacks, the less is used.

With sufficiently slow attack speed you can also ignore the 9 frame internal cooldown of GoD 4p.

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Items: Yangs Recurve bow and/or Captain Crimson set resource reductions make it much easier in speed content.
Skills: Low level you can use Vengeance / Seethe instead of Dark heart.


Thanks for the suggestions, guys. Yesterday, I tried maxroll’s build for ‘GR Solo Push]’ which seems to work well.

(On a different note, why is there a button for hyperlinks if links aren’t allowed here?)

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Captain Crimson is not worth using with GoD. You’d have to sacrifice mandatory items for the build.

Yang’s is a good option to use as a weapon, you might however need to adjust the total attacks per second to avoid the GoD 4p internal cooldown causing issues.

Make the links preformatted text. Highlight the link and click the </> button.

One needs to have Trust Level 3 to freely post links to any site. The trick above helps circumventing the limitation.

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One needs to have Trust Level 3 to freely post links to any site. The trick above helps circumventing the limitation.

Ah, okay. Thanks.

Depends. Depth Diggers are not really mandatory in speed content in case you have other good gear. Speed exp - sure Depth Diggers allow higher GR. Speed T16 and at least GR90 - I don’t see any difference in dmg if other gear is good. But resource is really good (and toughness in case you fall asleep and get some hits - real danger with 1 button speed builds)

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You’d sacrifice much less by simply using Night Stalker passive. It boosts Hatred generation a lot even in low density speed content. Maintaining max Hatred is no issue.

Captain Crimson is not worth it. There are many other, much better options.