I’ve been playing diablo for over 20 years now, amazon javalin pvp aka Telejava have been my favorite character for many years for PvP.
I feel like there is no reason for Javalin throw to have a quantity, I have been pvping for long time with self-repair java every 10 second, it still need repair every duel and 1 repair every 10 second for a throw in pvp is pretty bad, I see no reason why javazon main player have to fix theyre weapon every 80 lightning fury, many times in tvt(team vs team) I find myself teleporting waiting for selfrep is pretty anoyying.
I have that blizzard can address this topic for the players that love to play javazon, and make us being same as everyone else. we are not bowzon! nor care about fixing it every 5 minute of gaming.
Thanks for reading and hope it will get fix asap for the love of d2r 
Your best,
I see no reason it has to change if its been that way for 20 years.
Maybe Diablo isn’t a movie with unending clips of ammunition.
I feel for you. Truly. Sorceress doesn’t have to repair a staff to gain that cool higher level spell. Necromancers can cast Teeth and BoneSpear with a good wand. Seems unfair.
That being said, have you tried Magic Arrow? I always max out Magic Arrow Right away, so I can switch to high damage/accuracy bow when I need to. It costs zero mana per shot. Zero arrows are expended. Adds pure magic damage.
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I almost agree with you, in a way I really do.
But if they were to make this change, two big game changers would happen:
- Finding Eth Rare Cruel/Fool mod elite javas is a lot easier than finding Eth Rare Cruel/Fool Self-Rep javas = More Amazons will have greatly enhanced jav-side damage output.
- With no quantity limit, they can hurl that damage output constantly without worrying about bottoming out. This would greatly enhance the threat of most Amazon builds.
I dunno, the widescreen targeting range in D2r will weaken Amazon play, and your suggestion here may actually help Amazon keep up.
I’d say it would need testing first though, before implementation.
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