QOL Requests and Ideas

I’m interested to hear others opinions on this.

I’ve come to really hate environmental damage. Its frustrating to focus on dodging enemies only to land beside an exploding plant, that you couldn’t really see because of the color palette, which kills you in one shot. Or, having swamp water damage you more than getting punched in the face by a blood golem.

I don’t know. It just seems silly to get killed by something in the environment while you’re slaying hoards of hellspawn.

On a slightly related note regarding the enemies that burst in to poison clouds 1-2 second after death, I wished they would do it instantly because I invariably find myself walking through the mess right when it releases. It’s really rough on characters with weaker constitutions to such things.

Well, Sanctuary is a dangerous place, you better watch out :wink:

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LOOOOOOL only 5 yards, you’ve gotta be kidding me?! 25! minimum, wth were you thinking?

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When I’m trying to dodge a dozen missiles from succubi, getting killed by an exploding plant is insulting :triumph:

These are the ones I particularly liked:

  • Gamble for any class from any class with a drop down menu ( you must reach level 70 on a class to be able to gamble for it from another class )
  • Cow level should be able to be closed after completing the event inside
  • Grifts should have a forfeit option
  • Option to remove the 30 second timer from rift completion.
  • Ability to manage stash and character equipment from the Menu
  • Ability to set the entire UI as locked so clicking on a UI element doesn’t prevent skill usage/movement
  • the ability to reset bounties in public games and do them all again without leaving the game. Occasionally, you get a really good group that works great together, kinda sucks to leave game and get hope everybody can regroup.
  • Ability to reset bounties in private games. Bypasses need to remake game.
  • Gr Gem upgrade anticipation timer sped up
  • Possibility of a special pet that picks up crafting mats ( we can dream right? )
    • Or just make this the default.
  • Rift/Grift progress globes removed, or dropped in pile at elites feet
  • Ability to text search for items. Once you search for say “Storm Shield” all of your stash will kind of black out, except for Storm shields. Just a more convenient way to find what you are looking for. Would be very helpful for finding pesky gems that are socketed into jewelry, that you thought you had lost.
  • Urshi should not appear on a failed Gr
  • The ability to complete missed stash tabs from previous seasons season journey. Why should one be penalized for not being able to play a season? This is especially not fair for new players to have to wait every 3 months to unlock one tab.
  • When rerolling an attribute, the choices for new attributes should not be exactly the same as what is on there already (so if you are rerolling 5.0% CC on your helm to get 6.0%, 5.0% CC should not be one of the new choices).
  • When playing in seasons, have a special icon for a legendary power that you don’t have cubed for your nonseasonal characters.
  • Actual number displayed on an ability for seconds remaining on a cooldown.
  • Bring recent players list back.

Have cursed chests drop something at least halfway decent.

Also on timed chests, have 100 monsters actually spawn before timer runs out. Numerous times left just standing there waiting for spawns…boom, fail for bonus chest :frowning:


I wouldn’t mind if they even dropped Legendary crafting mats. It doesn’t even have to be a lot per chest. Even a couple would go a long way.

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Hey how about an increase in materials per salvage?
Like what you get from common items… it aint white.

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Agree totally. They could to add just one armory space for follower too. So this could take one easily place to be implemented.


Scanned and searched the list, and I didn’t see:

Sort the gem upgrade screen by level of gem

(There appears to be little to no logic to it now… Seems to be by creation_date, unless you’ve socketed it, then it moves it up top, or something like that.)

Disagree. I’m one of those weirdos that uses each follower for space, and I know I’m not alone.

56 is a known bug. :wink:

I may be of the few of this mindset:
Nephalem rifts should have an instant close upon turn in to Orek and as was said previously in this thread:

i agree with this.
In addition to that, conversely GR should have a timer.
Or pipe dream if you like to do speed runs: Urshi spawns in town cumulating all recent gem level points for when you require downtime to manage inventory.
All too often whether it is because players have real life distractions or just new… people tend to hold up GR closure and its understandable… but with a change like this it could make running easier and more efficient.
@MissCheetah thoughts on probability?

It would be nice to use my non seasonal gains to do the seasonal stuff with. If not, then what is the point of having to do anything seasonal at all? I fail to see Blizzard’s direction on how to play a season in general. I think the people involved are old and out of touch, when it comes to healthy game playing time. We’re expected to farm more than what we should have to. Maybe the devs have a mentally ill-suited condition they don’t feel the need to be open about?

The point of Season is: “start from zero”

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Another simple QoL change I’d like is to add the gold and red borders for Ancient and Primal items to the small icons in the Mail window.

While admittedly of very limited and infrequent use it would be nice to visually ID those items quicker.

The gems in the upgrade screen are listed by:

  1. being in the jewelry you are using
  2. the gems that are in your characters inventory listed from left to right starting
    at the top of the inventory.
  3. the gems that are in your stash listed from left to right starting at the top of
    your first stash page.

It would still be better to have a sort function by either gem level or gem type.

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Thanks! Glad there is some logic to it…
But yeah, by level please.

Ability to sort gear by set, both in stash and at the blacksmith. Then the option to just craft each piece or the whole set. Mostly for new players and those rare times when I’m need to get a set in seasons.

Fix the ridiculous circles associated with this Season’s Theme to always spawn on the player. It’s bad enough it’s a random effect, its a whole other story when you can’t get ANY use out of it because it’s 100% inefficient to stop everything you’re doing to go run inside this circle.