Purchasing and Cross-Progression


I’ve purchased the game on xbox and also on pc as thought it would be like D3 and you had to pay to play on different platforms. After issues with the xbox beta on eu servers I thought I would have a go on the pc version, but when I loaded the pc version, it had my xbox characters but still unable to able to join beta gameplay.

As my xbox characters came across, does this mean that there was no need to purchase the pc version? Will this now mean I have limited number of characters that I can create?

Yes, your characters are linked to your Battle.net account, meaning the ones you create on PC will be the ones available on Xbox and visa versa. Otherwise cross-progression wouldn’t work

I understand that, but other games purchased on xbox that allow you to play on pc as well doesn’t cost extra.

I dont quite understand what you mean now? You are already pointing out in your original post that you understood you had to pay twice to use it on both platforms, what are you surprised about now?

If I purchased on Xbox and PC like I have with D3 then I would have expected to have different characters on each platform as is currently with D3.

But it seems that if you have both versions, you only get the same characters across both platforms for £70 rather than totally separate games

If I purchased other certain games on the Xbox I can play them on both PC and Xbox without any extra cost so would only be £35.

The whole point is that D2R has cross-progression. If it was like you describe here there wouldn’t be cross-progression. I really don’t see the issue?

You can still create an additional battle.net account and buy the other copy there. That way you will achieve the result you are pointing to

Yes it would as I can install a game on my pc that i own on my xbox without extra cost, load my characters, progress the character, save game and exit, go to the xbox and load the same game and my progress I done on PC is included.
I do not have to pay for another version of the game, i’ve only paid once not twice. This is a feature of some games on xbox.

I appreciate that, but not paying for a 3rd copy of the game

This is not uncommon though. Just like you say, you can’t play D3 on Nintendo Switch if you only bought the copy for PC. And they state this on the website so there should be no confusion. You pay for each platform you want, that is made clear.

Then refund one of your copies and make another account and buy it for that platform there.

Do you also know if that counts also for the characters that you created offline?

It’s only for online play. There is no cross progression offline. That wouldn’t be possible as the machines need to be linked to each other in some way in order to transfer the information between them

If the Battlenet account and the Console account are not linked would that prevent you from having Cross Progress? I would think so. Of course, if you have other Blizz games you want your Console linked to Bnet for that would impact those too. Article below is on how to link accounts which I assume can also be used to un-link.

My D3 is on the same battle.net account for xbox and pc, but both have totally different characters even for online, and this is what I thought would happen with the D2 Ressurrection, which transpires is not the case

So that explains it better, any off my online characters in D2 will be cross-progression, but if it allows offline on D2 on xbox or pc, these won’t migrate over and will act as totally seperate versions.

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D3 does not have the cross progression feature. D2R does. It was one of the things they made a big deal about when D2R was announced.

If your Bnet account and Console account are not linked though, that would prevent cross progression between the PC and Console, even for online chars.

When u buy a pc version can u have max 20chars space on your b.-net Account?

When u buy a second license (maybe for ps4) for the same account, will do u have just 20 or (2x20)40chars space on your b.-net account with now 2licenses?

When my brother had 2licenses (one for pc and one for ps4) and i have just one for pc, we can play together with our pc licenses, right. When i give him items, he logged out on pc, logged in on ps4, he will still have the items on the char but couldn’t play with me anymore, right?

Of course i know what is the difference between crossplay and crossprogression. But where is the sense?
He will have the pc items on his ps4 char. So why just c.progression and not crossplay?

Btw. where does this progression modus works, on closed bnet?

Would be nice if anybody who rly knows the answers could reply. That are serious questions and not critic.