Theme. Anything really. Balance the key.
What do you guys wanna see on each character for viability.
TK. ULLIANA, Hydra,Firebird Meteor,Jade,Blessed Shield Akhan/LOD, Blessed Hammer, Nat Fan,
RGK. Frenzy, corpse Lance, Raimond, DMO, Impale,Roland
Theme. Anything really. Balance the key.
What do you guys wanna see on each character for viability.
TK. ULLIANA, Hydra,Firebird Meteor,Jade,Blessed Shield Akhan/LOD, Blessed Hammer, Nat Fan,
RGK. Frenzy, corpse Lance, Raimond, DMO, Impale,Roland
How about the most unlikely thing ever:
Devs that actually listen to and act upon legit quality feedback BEFORE the PTR ends and not 2 months into the next season.
Dreams are free, eh?
I can understand big mechanical changes to sets or builds might take some more planning and time but tweaking numbers. By tweaking numbers they can easily tackle 14 builds a season from here. 2 per class.
Fixed that for you
Eh, they d3 divs would probably struggle to open then at this rate.
Anyways a wishlist vs expectation
Wishlist atleast 1 of each suggestion per class in the 2.7 balancing thread…
Puzzle ring goblin now picks up correct amount of yellows before dropping a legendary.
new 6 set pieces, only craftable items, usable for all classes.
Very strong in Solo GR110 (~5min runs), even by low paragon players.
The best player reaches ~GR135 Solo. That Build is good in GR Solo and bad in multiplayer. Good in bounties.
2pc: STR, DEX, INT and VIT from paragon are disabled in GR.
4pc: STR, DEX, INT from gear increased by x1.5 and VIT from gear is doubled.
6pc: dmg increased by xxx%.
I must be missing something. Why would you ever wear two pieces of this?
There have been a whole damn lot of suggestions going about in the last several weeks. At this point I’m just waiting for the patch notes and we see where we go from there.
Like I mentioned. very strong 6pc gear (~GR110 5min solo runs , even by very low paragon players) and the best should finish about ~GR135 with this 6pc build.
If paragon points are enabled, most likely everyone above p5000 can finish GR150 Solo.
My intention is that this build is great for low paragon players and rather bad/weak for high paragon players (p4000+). High paragon player should not use this build/gear anyway.
Solo players with this build become above p2000+++ pretty quick (~GR110 solo 5min runs!) and then they should play with other builds.
The only effect the 2 piece bonus has is detrimental to the player.
This doesn’t help anyone, regardless of their paragon level.
If they only had two pieces of the set, they would be better off not wearing them.
Exactly what I want. You use that build completely or nothing of it. A combination like 5pc+3pc+rorg shouldn’t be good at any scenario.
Just want a build who you can do GR110 Solo runs and paragon level has no influence on it. In other words: this sounds good for low paragon players. Once you have high paragon level, you play with other builds.
You can do that with almost any set anyway. I did n gr 111 with rhe new underpowered necro set no augs. So i dint see anyone ever using this as it has no set skill mechanic or intraction. Its basically a worse lod. Why not just use lod and use whatever skill you want with tons more utility options. I understand the proberbly scaling down mechanic u trying to look at but not this way. My opinion.
The whole thing about a new set to craft, doesn’t need to exist. You want a new universal set then just ask for them to rework blackthorns set.
As many of these pieces I have found and others seem to…would be easy to obtain and could be made to benefit lower paragon players for grinding to get the gear they want to use end game.
I made a few threads about what could be balanced, changed or adjusted:
Quality of Life Improvement List
Movement Skills with 2 or 3 Charges at a Base Level
Stone of Jordan Rebalancing / Update
Suggestions for re-balancing various Skills
Reworking the Firebird Set
I would like to see the Frenzy set for the Barbarian get a slight defensive (6.5% - 6.75% per stack vs. 6%) boost. Also would like to see the Frenzy skill last a tad longer (6 - 8s vs. 4s) so that it really shines with the Frenzy set too.
Rework the IK set for the Barbarian. That set needs some love. I WANT to see the weapon as a MUST USE for the set to fully work. How many class sets have a weapon? Make it useful.
WW/Rend set is fine as is. I can’t see any thing that needs to be done with it.
The other sets I don’t care about because the builds are B O R I N G. It doesn’t matter what Blizz does to them, still B O R I N G. Yes even the leapquake build.
110 is quite easy to pass if solo, so someone cant pass this level then stop playing d3, dont need to help those guys with new set.
Boring think thats a relative statement. I mean if you pulled a pack and leap quake in convention and bliz upped set damage to 50k and you earthquake pop the whole screen on gr 120 i aint think its gonna be boring anymore.
No changes to items I have a primal of that I use in my build. Sets are fine, those are updated anyways.
Powerboost for UE builds through its set.
More stash, for example moving a few tabs from shared stash to a character, like its inventory. So same total active in game (rest inaccessible), but way more in total.
Such that it doesn’t harm the game.
Auto pickup of gems, mats etc. Also by pet.
Solo being able to reach nearly what groups can in terms of gr. Also similar xp gain, loot gain, defense, offense etc. Without changing group play. Possibly do this through the follower, possibly with follower boosting you significantly. Or even placing legendary gems on the follower you benefit from in full.
Using all three followers would be fun too!
More areas, dungeons would be nice. (2nd expansion would even be better).
More character slots.
No offense, but it must be dev who thinks like you arbitrarily designed set bonuses that don’t synergize with each other.
For example WD’s Arachyr 2p bonus is absolutely worthless because it doesn’t get buffed by its 6p bonus.
My wish list includes new legendary affixes with minor tuning of sets. They are already really powerful % of your overall damage.
Let’s get other build options with legendary items that are either lacking an affix or has one that does nothing.
Update to blackthorn’s because I don’t want instant salvage gear to ever drop. There should be stuff that drops with correct itemisation that is useful for various parts of the game. Maybe go all in on support for the set and let us remove either the zmonk or barb from the meta for a season… Although realistically they would just change what there wearing an adapt.
A season theme similar to the rrog season or lon season where it allows for slightly more freedom in gearing. Instead of kill mobs and see shiny lights season.
Passive updates on classes?
Small nerfs to overpowered setups. We shouldn’t see lod necros doing 150s 4man in 4 mins. Isn’t that the reason they removed bazooka?