PTR Vendor - Please add Hellfire materials to the Bag of Fortune

Currently the PTR: Bag of Fortune contains crafting and bounty materials.
Could you add Hellfire materials to the contents please?

PTR should be about testing builds, not about running Keywardens / Ubers to get materials to craft stuff needed to test those builds.


For that matter, add a bag containing blacksmith and jewelry plans. I mean they have a bag with all the act mats and DBs, why not the plans? lol I don’t want to have to run several bounties for hours trying to get the plans for specific sets to test in the PTR season.


I would also add All Marquise gems in 100 just like 100 act specific mats.

I would also increase the drop rate of Ancient items to 75% and Primal to 25% just for PTR.


I think Primals and Ancients are already falling more, since the entire legendary system has a huge buff right now. At T16 damn near every chest, rock and body you kick over gives you legendaries, not to mention every elite pack and boss and what not. Hell I rarely even see yellow, blue, or white items at T16 on the PTR.

Yeah legegendaries are falling everywhere, but most of them are normal, so they all end up eventually as Forgotten souls.

This is PTR, so I don’t see why not to make ancients and primals rain, just for FUN… :stuck_out_tongue:


Feel free to give that a nudge and show support.

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you can farm 1 hellfire and reroll with mats…

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True, but you are stuck with whatever skill it dropped with. That won’t change.



Crafted items cannot be reforged.