PTR Shadow Clones

Since we’re only getting one week to test the season theme on PTR, I wanted to bring up some questions about shadow clones before the PTR goes live.

  1. Can you use a shrine in the world to get a shadow clone, then enter or re-enter the GR and use the clone to clear? In general, I think it’s best if entering or re-entering a GR kills all shadow clones.

  2. Can you spawn multiple shadow clones at once? For example, saving all four pylons to spawn clones to kill a giant clump of monsters, and/or to kill the RG. This strategy would be pretty cancer if it ends up being the most optimal for solo clear.

  3. Is it viable to use a support build in solo and have the shadow clones do all the DPS?

  4. Are the clones useless in high GRs due to scaling on player power rather than GR level? How exactly do they scale based on player power, and can this be min/maxed or exploited? In general, how do you make them useful in GRs without making the them overpowered?

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  1. Any buffs you get from the “real world” is always reset when going into a Greater Rift.
  2. You can have multiple Shadow Clones if you activate multiple shrines/pylons.
  3. The Shadow Clone scale to your sheet damage. (as it appears to be the case).
  4. The Shadow clone are very helpful but still rely on the amount of sheet damage you have.

Shadow Clones do not follow you to another map.