PTR is up, put any testing results here

And we though wwrend doing 136-138 at 5k was OP. Now DH and sader are speeds farming 138s at 5k. lolololol. So much for 130 at 5k balance.

Yeah, almost did 129 too. Not gonna put in a whole lotta effort, though.

2000 bounty mats or crafting mats?

there goes my seasonal rng

bounty mats. 2 prime ancients.

Yeah, I feel like it’s not intentional and will get nerfed. I hope not, obviously, but it would be unprecedented to have a dibs AND multiplicative bonus on an item.

Thanks for testing, guys. I’m sitting this one out but will be here, advocating, the usual. Plus a new Doom Eternal DLC is about to drop, so . . . .

OMG these tools. Northwar did a solo 150 with the sader build at 5.9k. Holy molly nerf bat coming in hard.

If the DIBS + multiplier was indeed unintentional and gets changed, so that cubing BotT becomes viable again, this would open up a MOTE6 IK4 Hybrid with the boulder breaker for seasonal play. Not sure how perma WotB (and Morticks) + 50% damage reduction from CotA compares to other options, but it could be interesting.

It would not be as strong as using Furnace + CoE, even with the damage gained from more WOTB uptime. But, it would, as you say, be interesting. You would definitely be tougher. Might be a fun option for Hardcore players.

Trying to reroll a decent Compass Rose is making me lose my mind. Just wanted to vent about that haha.

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So I am testing the 2 pieces Savages, 5 piece IK for HOTA and it seems ok at lower rift levels. I am running into fury issues when I get into higher rift levels since killing speed goes down and this hurts EF as well. The damage mitigation is great but the dps loss seems to really drop the killing speed even with magefist in the cube. Going to continue testing more here and will report back.


Basshead the non season version likely won’t be able to keep fury at max for max damage but the upcoming extra cube slot will def make it a boost for season only.

I was testing what LOTM spoke of in the IK Hota guide thread. Using savages instead of the shoulders.

Even for seasonal I wonder if it’s better to go savages and stick the shoulders in the cube or to put remorseless in the cube spot and rock IB.

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I want to try wearing istvans. Cubing remorseless/ancients fury shoulders/either coe or band of might/GOJ. We would drop magefist altogether because mortiks will for sure be needed for defense. Then using 2p frenzy set. If we can stay alive this will be the best top clears. No need to worry about EF fears and keeping kills going and dropping stacks. Istvans bonus is guaranteed.

Edit: actually I forgot about RORG. So we would need to wear remorseless/EF and cube RORG.


So after finally getting some testing in for IK HOTA I do think the core build with wearing Little Rogue/Slanderer and putting Remorseless in the 4th cube slot will be the move for Season 22. Its the most consistent as far as fury management and damage/armor/attack speed.


Makes sense to me. Thanks for testing!