Everyone in chat reporting heroes making attack animations but not hitting mobs.
Unable to press Escape > Leave Game, it just returns you to game session.
Eventually timed out to menus.
When attempting to start a new game, gives message about servers being busy and then a message about being unable to find license codes.
Also happened to me, character froze at boss in GR. Didn’t time out, so I had to end in the task manager. Now the launcher says I am already playing. I’ve had that happen before, where the game doesn’t recognize that it’s been closed, but it will usually time out and go back to ‘Play’ between 15 to 30 minutes. However, this time it’s been over an hour, so I seem to be completely stuck
Idk how players are even getting that far to GR’s, just got reset for the 3rd time, at this rate making it to 70 will be an all nighter lol.
EDIT: N/m yay didn’t reset the level this final time, just everything I did in town for crafting lol whatever going to do the safe thing and log out hopefully saving the data
I made it through 1 rift and was about 90% thru 2nd to get enough shards to get a bag of stuff and then, yeah, moving all through map but no attacking, mobs frozen, even the door to the next floor was dark…and now can’t get back in.
But - from char screen it seems like the gear i found is still on me…so hoping that’s still the case when I can get back in. Wonder if because i rebirthed what was an NS toon to the ptr season?