PTR 2.7.2 is done, what's your plan for S-25?

What to play, it’s pretty hard. I never played the Marauder Set before and I don’t see me doing so. WD Arachyr ofc I will try it. But I probably going to start with DH Shadow Set it is a good set to go. If I would play Wizard it would just be LoD FO cause it’s such a smooth build.

Might hop onto the innas bandwagon, at least to start with. Seems it’ll be best for everything, keys, bounties, solo speeds and group speeds.

Will still make a wiz and have some fun with firebird flameblades with a twister pull, and if I can clear 150 on typhon, that’d be awesome. And for the zwiz ofc. :o)

And will probably make the usual zdh and zbarb as well, just to join higher paragon groups.

Gave in and made a monk for the last days of S24 since my beloved wizard and all of the work that went into him is now going to be destroyed over night with no alternative builds.

I can say one thing for sure, the monk is far more OP vs. fb mi and a completely brainless build. I think I could train my maltishoo to play it.

It is almost seizure inducing with the speed and a complete joke. Make a monk for easy 3 min GR 120 clears in 48-72 hrs of S-25 launch with journey completed.

We should wait for the final patch notes, there might be something coming…

If things remain as they are, I will likely go for monk. It’s too efficient to ignore.

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Its completely insane, I have never played a seasonal char and I had journey complete solo in 48 hrs. I am speed clearing 90s in sub 2-1 minutes depending on map load and I just got the gear to build out the build everyone is using and starting that today.

For me it is a utterly boring class to play but nobody can deny its ability.

Are you playing monk now in S-24?

looks like it… going by their profile.

ya, just learning the ropes. pointless working on my wiz anymore sadly

Getting in the practice now I guess.

ya, learning the basics but its pretty straight forward

I’ve played a little D2R off-line and a bit of Grim Dawn.

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So after spending a couple days on my new monk in season 24 and comparing it to my fb wiz pre nerf it looks like this, inna monk takes almost zero skill at all. I do mean zero which is probably why everyone is migrating to it. I suspect a great deal of people who complained about fb wiz mechanics are used to playing this class/build.

It speed clears grs a thousand times faster and at a much higher level. It pushes GRs far higher and with far less para reqs and is incredibly boring to play. It carries far faster and far more far higher.

If anything should have been nerfed it was the inna monk. Absolutely mind numbing fast teleport mechanic clearing gr 110s in sub 2 minutes and that is in under 60 hrs played.

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Plain and simple, I’m making a monk. I was away from the game for a while (since s9) but came back late in s24, tried all kinds of builds but I’m enjoying monk the most atm. I use to be solid DH but that was before I tried other builds lol.

I decided to do what I planned initially for this situation. I only play SSF, so I will do exactly the same as in S24. Use FB with all Twister items to smash Guardian below P600 within 2-3 days and call it quits. I continued a bit in S24 after that cause I still needed to farm some Ethereals, but not this time. And I won’t even bother with the theme… couldn’t care less.

I watched DieOxide’s video for S-25. While the new shards and the Marauder changes are interesting, it did not excite me like N6M4, GoD-6, or SM-6 when those were introduced. I’m still stuck on the fence with what class to pick beyond FB wiz for the conquest.

After playing GoD for so long (and UE before that) it’ll be great to go with the classic Marauder again, especially because it seems to have so many possible variants to try out. Shadow set could also be great - it’s biggest problem is having to avoid killing yourself against spinners and the likes. Another big thing about Marauder is the use of Enforcer meaning that you can keep your follower alive and use all skills tokens. Playing a dex class also means that your BIS amulets and rings can be used if you later want to switch to Monk.
You’ll just need to make a level 1 intelligence class to get some enchantress gear so she can be used with your DH or monk.

How is the enforcer gem connected to the followers and the all skills token(s)?

Well, read what the gem actually does and you’ll understand:

Pets take 90% less damage.

But it’s actually Pets and Followers… :slight_smile:

And there you have it. Add a bit more Toughness through gearing and your follower will survive 145+ without dying. Trust me, I made my Enchantress survive through GR138 without Enforcer … so adding that gem on top would mean she could hold her ground much much higher.


Plus Mutilation Guard and Esoteric gems on follower, a socket with Amethyst on weapon, other life rolls etc.

Shield pylon works on follower too.
I haven’t taken the time to check if health globes heal followers too?

zDPS with Ashera’s Vestments… hmm…