PTR 2.6.10 Has Ended!

They come back 10/27 to end PTR. So we play 21 forever.


Just keep in Mind to extend the testing, if needed …

Even though the current Season is BS …
Better extend it, so we´ll never get something like it again.

For real … Who thought it would be even cool to give us Eye-Cancer, darken the whole Screen an put this on a Timer ?
Effekts should be readable ! - Thats basic Understanding in dev. … also how Hue saturation works …


Can you ad in season 22 - rings and amulets to have a chance + 10 % 1 socket from unused primary stats for legendary + 20 % to have 1 socket to ancient legendary and + 40 % to have 1 socket to primal ancient legendary and they can have only 1 socket or to make Ramalandi’s Gift let say Greater Ramalandi’s Gift that can do socket to rings and amulets like weapon only this Greater Ramalandi’s Gift have a very low chance like primal ancient. All the builds use rings and amulets whit sockets and you have 1 to 15 chance on amulet to get a socket and 1 to 12 to rings.

I mean if you consider some of the different tile sets for some maps, especially the snow variant of eternal woods has a bright light saturation which, will most definitely give someone with light sensitivity a migraine, I don’t think its too much of an offshoot from that.

It’s a shame to write to them, and so far away they will spoil this game instead of repairing and improving it

Heads up in terms of a few fixes incoming once we go back live. PTR vendor Djank Mi’em will now carry The Twisted Sword and Ursua’s Trodden Effigy. There’s also a bug-fix for Trag’oul’s Corroded Fang.

In terms of re-launch timing, I’m waiting on a few updates from the team, and as soon as I hear back ill post it up.


Can you maybe give a rough estimate what “once we go back live” means.

Today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow?


Thats just too easy …comunication cmon lol

What about the Energy Twister bug? “Raging Storm” is doing half the damage it should be.

If they don’t even give us an ETA when the PTR will be back up, i highly doubt they will go into detail to changes made or into the bug of ET

Blizzard Soon™

That’s totally not a rick-roll link. Trust me, bro! I wouldn’t play you like that.


Why is this PTR update posted here and not on the pin?! The drama I had to go through to see this thread… come on now… Why is this on General Discussion???

Can we get an idea? Another day? An hour? 17 Hours? 4 weeks? I know this is “just PTR” but some better communication would be nice. As well as a consistent thread for updates which I assumed would be on the PTR feedback instead of all over the place. For a company as big as Blizzard, you’d assume they’d be more organized. I’m not trying to rush servers going up, just asking for better communication and ONE consistent thread for updated news relating to the PTR.


Learn to check the Blue posts section first

Edit I will say though it’d be nice if the time of the last post is shown in the blue header posts on ptr feedback


If you click the blue post section first, you don’t even get the info Filthie Posted above


youre confusing what i mean by blue section then

Well valid point, but that doen’t make Delviannas point less valid.
Every Info regarding the PTR should be in the PTR-Forum and in the stickied post there as this is the place people look first.

Also like he/she said, a rough estimation when the servers will be back up is really not too much to ask for.


If you go to the home page of the D3 forums, the Blizz Tracker there gives you…
That shows all blue posts made to any of the sub-forums.

If you use the Blizz Tracker in the General Discussions forum it gives you…
That shows all the blues posts made in General Discussion only.

It’d be nice if the updates about the PTR were consistently being made in the PTR forums to save people having to check around multiple sub-forums / threads for information.

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Fail! Again… patch update does not work

Edit: “A new patch for Diablo III is available” loop

just tried again now im getting there is a new patch and game will close and auto apply but must have not actually posted yet

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Silly me for checking blue posts on PTR section instead of “General Discussion”. :crazy_face:

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