Proof-reading the PTR notes

PTR Tips

As with our previous PTRs, this testing period will have a short duration. Whether you’re a PTR veteran or newcomer, we thought we’d pass along a few tips to get you started.

As with our previous PTRs, this testing period will have a short duration. Whether you’re a PTR veteran or newcomer, we thought we’d pass along a few tips to get you started.

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(In Humor)
Apparently there is a new character class called ‘The Librarian’.
It comes with passives of punctuation, iteration, passive voice and spelling assault. Its main skills are Grammar assault causing 10,000% damage, word assembly which groups enemies together and assaults them with Capital letters and ‘sweeping word’ which attacks enemies with swirling lower case letters. It also has a new set of bracers that randomly throws hardcover versions of encyclopedias at the first three enemies hit.
There is a new helm called ‘verbosity’ which randomly cites William Shakespeare quotations with every enemy hit, causing physical damage with the enemies heads eventually falling off.

Clearly I have way too much time on my hands. Fortunately, not for long after this week.


See, Nev wants this sort of thing.

Thanks that was super funny!

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Maybe the name of the stacking buff is called that? The that buff caps at 1000 stacks.

Fixed both the call outs in this thread. I appreciate the catch.

Our current CMS tool is a bit… finicky at times and copy/pasting isn’t always my friend as a result. Duplicates like that also tend to be overlooked by the human eye, often no matter how many have passed over them.


I work in academia. I respect that everyone lives according to their own guidelines and it should be that way. However, because I work in a Post-Grad area, the last thing I am concerned about when I want to have fun is what I deal with in a work environment.
For me, if I can understand it and I could, that suffices.


Uh-oh, someone’s noticed my Cyberdyne Systems ocular implant.

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Clever and very funny :rofl:

On a practical note, I find that proofreading works best when I change the background color, text color, and paragraph width.

I believe you also forgot a zero on “Eye of the Storm.”

It should be 1000% damage when Sweeping Wind hits one target.


Nice try with that :joy:

Was kinda hoping Nev’s reply reply would have had a duplicate word in it just to mess with Meteorblade…

Don’t think I didn’t see what you did there but you need better bait.
Trolling is a art.

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So I must be a 3 year old with finger paints compared to your Van Gough??

BTW - I do the same thing IRL all the time…my wife is a magazine publisher/editor so I am always noticing grammatical errors, misspellings, etc.

I think you missed it. The intention was for you to pick up on the grammatical mistake and point out that I should have said “Trolling is an art.” at which point I would have revealed that it was deliberately done and you had been caught.

Oh, well.

You did have a pretty funny accidental typo today though.

Probably an auto carrot issue.


D@mnit to hedoubletoothpicks man, I was chomping at me bit to get my “an” in there.

That’s funny, but it is actually a normal thing with highly intelligent people. Their brain works faster than their fingers can type and it looks right at the time, even after it is typed.
As you all were.