Problem with a lag (paragon aoe points added)

I dont know eng well enough so i’m sorry for the language mistakes

Today around 19:30 due to a lag associated with a game error with added points (50) to “area damage” in the “utility” tab in the master points by playing at the level of GR110 in 4 people and having 16 billion
(16,000,000,000) endurance delaying the game and jamming it for tens of seconds did not allow me to leave the game safely.

The game has bugs and due to such oversight my character died. Previous games at this level did not cause problems, hence my request for a quick fix of the bug. I am not asking to restore my character because I know that there is no chance for it despite my lack of fault in the whole incident. I am only asking for interest in the error and fixing it before a lot of people lose it.

The game is fun, and not amusing to lose everything by the oversight of the people responsible for the game. It is a pity that I did not capture it in the video, it could help you find and fix the error faster.

Best regards,
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