Private loot - Poll

Probably had over 10 80 sorc in my childhood. But I began a business and left Diablo 2 for nearly 15 years. Now I’m back to experience Diablo2 resurrected, not some iteration of it. Respect the history of games.


Some people are … ahem … modern… gamers…


Completely agree with TheViking here. Let the game be true to itself and enjoy it for what it is.


I skipped the current ladder to wait for D2:R. From what I’ve seen about the problems with the servers, it’s probably a good thing. Save me the frustration of dealing with that crap.

I’m letting my D2 accounts die. I’m tired of receiving the Monday email about them.

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I didn’t get into the ladder really, but I did beat D2:LoD solo on nightmare as a paladin…

I would vote in favor of personal loot if it was it’s own separate game type mode. Like Hardcore or ladder being separate from the other modes. Would have to oppose Personal loot if it was a game play option. That adds to many problems for the rest that play the various different game modes.


Im against personal loot this isnt d3 and ill refund if its added. It will break the game and everyone will afk boss runs and just come back and collect the loot without doing anything.


I can understand how some people are use to D3 or WoW and want it. But This would be insanely different for the economy of D2… So in D2 you run groups of 8 not 4 as in D3. It would be wildly different.


strawpoll. com/en/?gclid=CjwKCAjw092IBhAwEiwAxR1lRqckw_9tTsgikHgti4ngPIFNRweYVZExGbGWzOQh3uymSiWI7ghVzxoCTB4QAvD_BwE

Much easier way to poll. remove space. I cant do links. F@#$ trust level bulls@#$.

The economy is already going to change. This will not be botnet pickit economy (hopefully). It’ll probably pretty quickly be a jsp economy though, with FG calling the shots. If they replaced shared with instanced loot, it might change the economy a bit, but can’t be worse than a botted/pickit one. However, the option of personal loot that people have been advocating for around here where the current loot model is simply split between the party, it changes nothing in the economy if it is coexisting with shared loot games. If shared loot is replaced with that model of personal loot, it would then in turn make rare items worth more.

With the amount of players that will play the first season, with the new QoL stash, on hopefully clean servers (even if I still doubt that they can prevent it), the economy will be different than what players of current D2: Botter’s Edition are used to.

If you use preformatted text, you should be able to post a link without spaces, it just won't hyperlink

easier, but behind every vote here is an pre-purchase, so no double vote with trash email shenanigans

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Really, balance changes would change the current economy more than personal loot. Itemization is pretty great in early to mid game, however it is fairly poor in end game, as the primary focus is runes and bases. Casters have it easy with their itemization, as many of the mid tier items are still greatly desired and viable in end game. If you widened the build diversity balance, then some of the current value of top end items and runes would lower, but you’d widen the funnel of useful itemization which in turn would increase the pool of value for multiple other items. At least, how I see it.

There should be a progressive ladder with everything people want.

Make personal loot as selectable options when creating a game. WIN-WIN


either as a toggle or as a second realm toggle , any is fine by me , but i think one of them should be implemented , i know way too many players that simply don’t want to purchase D2 due to that…
personally i will play eitherway but having more friends in-game is something i would like to :stuck_out_tongue:


The thing is, people complain about bots and third party sites ruining the economy. If there is private loot, there are going to be 8 bots (because there will be bots) or 8 third party farmers running the same game a lot faster than 8 players solo. The full games will also increase mob density for even more drops. Without r/d these runs will be crazy fast and the market will become even more ruined. It’s awful for the economy.

You will be able to farm whatever you want solo eventually. Don’t worry about loot. Loot just helps. Then you will be able to farm all the loot you want. Look at the speed runners that go through hell baal with clever use of rune words and gems combined with skill and game knowledge. I hate to sound like I’m saying “get good kid” but trust me, you will be alright.

Also I’d love the idea of a toggle when creating the game, but it will have consequences to other issues you also may have a problem with.

Not for it and blizzard not gonna be a CUCK and bow down to you guys.
You gotta find your own gear and click quick.

Privat :+1:
… would also keep atuo collectors out of the game and make life for bot’s a little less interesting.

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This is my biggest issue with “Private” loot. Let me explain what that is. I’m not sure if you ever been on Diablo 2 recently. There are bots, plenty of bots.

With private loot, you’re giving bots the best advantage imaginable. Pictured this, if someone bought 8 copies of diablo 2. Could you imagine all 8 bots in a single game? 8 bots on 1 Andy, pit runs, Meph, Diablo, Baal, with all different drops per character in a single run. Then that gear ends up into trading. Or selling it for money. That means player trading in this game would be dead faster than Diablo immortal hype.

No one is going to compete against the prices that bots set in place in the market. This will make paying for gear seem like the best option to go. Because the real end game of Diablo 2, is farming for those super rare hard to get runes. Rolling, then re-rolling on certain rune words to get the best of the best. All that content will be obsolete, because I can’t compete against a single bot, let alone imagine 8 bots getting all different loot in a single game. Might as well just cough up the $15 to have a fully decked out character. Versus me spending 200 hours trying to farm it. Then people will completely drop the game, because they beat it, with their wallet.
( This applies to anyone who’s ever tempted to say “Screw it, I can’t find it. I’m just going to buy it!” )

The economy will be completely trash in this game, like it already was on Diablo 2, within a week of a ladder reset. I was there… in June. Within a week people were trading engima’s, infinity, med runes had about as much worth as a el rune. Only thing of worth were of course were Jah runes. Imagine almost everything in that game being complete utter garbage within a week, of a reset.

Lets review.
Pros of private loot -

  1. You get loot, for doing almost nothing. Just following along, and “tagging” enemies. Which good luck trying to tag against a sorc spamming orbs
    (Which reminder, you can do that in solo play)

Con of private loot-

  1. Player market/trading will be non existence.
  2. Encourage players to buy gear from bots
  3. Incentive for players to start botting themselves.
  4. Complete lack of end game content, due to buying into it.

Source: Uh… it already happened before. Diablo 3 Market. Dark times, back then.