Primordial Ashes downgrade of Inna's Reach

I applied the Primordial Ashes upgrade to an Inna’s Reach. The result was a “full” primal weapon (not the “limited” primal typically produced by the Ashes upgrade) with only 1632 damage. Something seems buggy here. I appreciate the full primal status, but 1632 damage is absurdly low for a (full or limited) primal Inna’s Reach.

Should I recycle this strange piece of equipment and write-off the lost Ashes?

Did you perhaps enchant off the weapon damage range? 1632.4 dps is exactly the damage expected on a primal diabo without 10% damage or 7% attack speed that has had the damage range rolled off. Inna’s Reach has damage range as a guaranteed stat (along with dexterity and Mystic Ally damage), so when you did the Primordial Ashes upgrade, it should have initially had damage range on it.

If you rolled off the damage, just roll it back on to fix the weapon.


You will know pretty quickly whether it is a “full” Primal if you upgrade another piece and try to equip it as well.


First, if you haven’t yet, turn on the “Rarity Icon for Items” – it’s located in your game option (Esc) under Gameplay; see this screenshot:

Second, provide a screenshot of that Inna’s Reach. You will need to upload it to a picture hosting website such as and provide a link in your reply. You will need to convert the link to Preformatted link for the forums to accept your link.

  • Upload your screenshot to Imgur or a similar site;
  • Grab the link for your screenshot from Imgur (or other site) and paste it in your reply;
  • Highlight the entire link in your reply and click on the </> button (button #6) to convert it to preformatted text.

For example, here’s a screenshot of my primal Solemn Vow :

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  1. I don’t know what you mean by “full” Primal or “limited” Primal.
  2. I don’t know what you mean by “recycle”.

You can:

  1. Salvage the Primal Inna’s Reach and get back 55 of the Primordial Ashes.
  2. Upgrade the Primal Inna’s Reach again for another 100 Ashes in hope of something better. (Recycle?)
  3. Enchant an unwanted Property on the Inna’s Reach for max %Damage Range. (Recommended)

In any event, I don’t think this is a bug. Obviously, your Inna’s does not have the %Damage Range.

I decided to do some testing. So, I created a Level 1 Monk and crafted some Rare Level 70 Daibos. I got lucky and got Inna’s Reach on the first try. I had plenty of Primordial Ashes (non-Season), so I wasted some currency to create the following screenshot. Hopefully, it may explain what you’re experiencing.

To the far left is Inna’s Reach unaltered. The next image is after I enchanted the Damage Range to Cooldown Reduction. The third image shows Inna’s after I upgraded it to Primal. The last image is after enchanting the Damage Range to Area Damage. (Look familiar?)


Greetings Perusoe. Yes, the image on the far right looks similar to what I experienced. Thank you for posting.

I can, and likely will, salvage the 1632 damage Inna’s Reach for the 55 Ashes. But it’s disappointing to have invested the 100 Ashes for the resulting low damage weapon.

Oh well, there are more Ashes out there to be found.

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Then stop screwing up and actually learn how (and more importantly, what) to enchant. This is not a bug, it is user error.

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Why not enchant the damage range back on to the item?

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