Primal Weapon Damage drop

my Primal weapon drop its damage and now its only around 500.

https: // ibb. co / qxCxshk

Not a bug - user error.

You changed the elemental damage property to 10% Damage. Go see the Mystic and change it back to elemental damage.

Also… please learn to post links. Trying to load up your link is difficult…

To post a link:

  • write/copy-paste the link in your message as you would normally,
  • highlight your link,
  • click the </> button on the formatting bar at the top of the reply window.

In your reply, the link will now be surrounded by grave accent; when you reply, it will look like this :

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Not a bug. User error. If you don’t know how to enchant, you should have asked first.

Also, that is a terrible way to post a link. Use the “Preformatted Text” button.

Excuse me no need to be a dick i used d3 planner and it was ok there dont be rude

Then don’t post bogus bugs in the bug report forum if you don’t know what you are doing. I doubt d3planner would show you that removing the main damage property was a good idea.