Primal upgrade no DEX stats for DH (topic can be close now)

using Demon Hunter i upgrade my SunKeeper Weapons to PRIMAL

but i never get the 1000DEX

i always get Other class stats like

Strenght or intelligence on the Sunkeeper but never got DEX i upgrade like 20 time never got DEX on it for my DH

I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Its only being used by demon hunters right now due to a glitch. Soon as its fixed, you wouldn’t want to use it anyhow. Altho, I got dex on my first go so I don’t know. It is there.


oh alright thanks cuz i try to get both 10% damage and 1000Dex

but always get 1000 Strenght or 1000 intel :frowning: hahaha

Yeah, Sunkeeper isn’t on the DH loot table. Try primalifying it on a monk instead. Doesn’t have to be level 70.

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thanks i got dex now haha

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