Primal Ancient question

SOOO, I am running the Natalyas / Marauder hybrid set. I love it! I got my ancients pretty quickly, but no usable primals. I have received 5 primals total this season. One I kept as it is part of a different DH set. Now that I am done whinning, I have tried everything to get primals. kadala, back to back to back etc speed runs, and Upgrading legendaries. My question is, what in the heck am I missing?

You are missing nothing. They are rare, especially usable Primals.

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A Primal is just an ancient with perfect stats. Primal’s roll with the same stats as regular legendaries, so quite often you’ll have an ancient that is a much better item than the new Primal you found.

There are even quite a few times, when a regular legendary will be better than the vast majority of ancients or primals that drop. For me, this is especially true for amulets. A perfect trifecta amulet is perfect, no matter what color border it has.

So instead of hunting red borders, hunt for well rolled ancients and be very happily surprised if you happen to find one with a red border.

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I’m still rocking a regular Holy Point Shot on my NS DH. Even after a ton of shards, upgrading rares, and reforges, haven’t found a decent ancient one, let alone a primal.

Same with my hellfire amulet. I actually got a primal one, but of course it rolled terribly, so I guess I blew my once-in-a-lifetime chance.

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The only method you omitted from the list of things you’re already doing is Kanai’s Cube “Reforge Legendary” recipe, which takes some bounty materials, some forgotten souls and a legendary and effectively completely randomises it as if it had just dropped, with completely new affixes. Bare in mind that the reforging does not maintain the reforged item’s rarity, i.e. it’s still 1 in 10 to be ancient and 1 in 400 to be primal.

Thank you all for your input, I do appreciate the info. @ Meteorblade, I have done the reforge legendary as well, with disappointing results lol, just forgot to put it down.

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It’s best not to focus on getting primals due to their rarity and unlikelihood of getting one that is even remotely useful. You’ll drive yourself up the wall tunneling for them. Focus on other, far easier to obtain goals: upgrading/replacing equipment, improving your greater rift runs, getting materials, augmenting really good gear you already have, ect.


Primal Ancients have been such unrelenting, 100% trash, troll drops for me that I don’t even care anymore when a red beam appears.




Unless you get a good one, in which case you are on top of the moon.

100% true - but for me the number of good ones is far outweighed by bad (like my NS DML…or the NS UE helm that is the only primal set piece I’ve ever seen for UE).

Not a single useful one in S18 for me yet…

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Like the trifecta CoE that I finally rolled today :slight_smile: Now for at least an ancient Cold Travelers Pledge…

i don’t know, i’ve collected just about every primal piece there is for dh. play it long enough you will get all of them. but I agree some of them aren’t as good as a well rolled ancient. RNG is RNG

I’d suggest build yourself a multishot build with cappy crimmo’s and speed farm 80s-90s in 2-3 minutes. You’ll get yourself plenty of loot. I was getting 1-3 primals a day (of course next-to-nothing useful but that’s another matter).