Is there any difference between primal ancient puzzle ring and ancient puzzle ring when you cube it to open a vault?
Regardless of whether you use an Ancient or Primal Ancient Puzzle Ring, they both result in a portal to the Ancient Vault, i.e. there’s no such thing as a Primal Vault, and there’s seemingly no difference in the number of goblin packs / amount of gold dropped.
OK thanks appreciate the explanation instead of just “No”
But I remember for season 24 Wudijo and Raxxanterax were talking about ancint puzzle ring farming for ethereals and let it sound as if the results for stuff in general were better in an ancient ring. o.Ô
So it worls like:
normal ring < ancient ring = primal ancient ring
That could have been anecdotal though. Or otherwise called observer bias.
That happens A LOT on here.
Ancient VS normal yes, it’s much better. In an ancient you get more gems, money, the chest at the end has 5 legendaries and every monster spawned in it is a goblin. Primal and ancient is the same however.
And if you’re unlucky, you get a normal vault some times, even from ancient P rings.
Really? Never encountered that, never heard about it until now.
Yupp. There are rare occasions when an ancient or primal ancient P ring, opens a regular vault.
Primal puzzle vault should have some added bonus over an ancient since it is significantly rarer. It would be cool if it was filled like the ancient vault, but all the goblins were flavor goblins instead of the plain ones.
Heck, where’s the Ancient Not The Cow Level for cubing an Ancient / Primal Bovine Bardiche…
People’s systems might wind up crying in pain with 3+ Gel Sire goblins.
While the rest of this statement is true, I found out last season (S24) that there is such a thing as a Primal Vault. Yeah… I know… you must be thinking me the biggest troll right now, but I’m telling you… RNG is the troll here.
I know it’s just in my head but ancient cow sticks seem to produce cow levels with greater cow density. I like to believe that’s true at least.
I seen sum pretty messed up shiz on social media with cows and ‘people’ during itcovid… i mean sure ok 1 vid… but. No ty. We get it u love animals. Cringe.
Cow lvl rocked with sorc…shzzzzing…continuous. LOL…eeeek.
But there should be, and Primal Vaults should drop nothing but Primal Ancients.
Hitting 5 blue gobs at once and creating the greatest loot explosion ever and thereby melting my video card is how I want my D3 career to end.
Me too!! Me too!!!