Primal Ancient Drops

While I know the drop rate, I’ve had several of Leoric’s Dreamy Rifts, and have played for some hours, but I haven’t seen a Primal Ancient in the longest of times.

I know it’s, probably, just RNG; but does anyone else feel similar?


Nephalem Rifts or low Greater Rifts are not a good way to farm Primals. You want items to drop in bulk such as high Greater Rifts, Visions of Enmity or Echoing Nightmares.

If you want Primals hit up Greater Rift tier 90 or above for speedfarms; that’s where loot drop caps from Rift Guardian kill. If you keep hitting GR90+ by doing three in a row then dump, you’ll have high efficiency to hoard lots of items. Alternatively, you have to hit up Visions repeatedly. Try to upgrade a rare polearm for Bovine Bardiche for that; as Not-the-Cow level is famous for Visions capable of occuring very frequently within’.
Lastly, Echoing Nightmares are almost redundant this Season. The rewards don’t really offer anything marginal compared to the Season theme or usual Greater Rifts. Third rank Soulshards can be used for augments just as fine as Whispers. You at least need two Petrified Screams for finishing Altar though so don’t ignore it completely either.


The Loot Drop caps at GR 100 not 90; and, yes, I’m running GRs 100-110.

As for the altar, all I need are the Primals, which are taking a long time to drop.

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Everybody, except for the few, lucky, ones, feel the same as you do.


Wrong, it caps at GR90. From GR90 onwards you always get 12 items, of which 10 are always legendary and 2 are any quality.


It’s just RNG.

In the last 3 days I’ve gotten 11 Primal items.

  • Double-Primal items from Kadala twice. One of those was just about an hour ago.
  • Double-Primal items from Greater Rift Guardians twice. GR120 to GR125.
  • One Primal item from crafting at the Blacksmith.
  • Double Primal items once from Visions of Enmity.

Now that I’ve disclosed that, I’ll probably never see another Primal item the rest of this Season.


No, run the two and see for yourself. You will, consistently, get more items at GR 100 than 90. I am not the only person to know this.

primal ancient drop chance caps at gr 100. there is a smaller chance to drop a primal at gr 90 than at gr 100. it’s pretty simple math.

I’ve just completed 20 run: 10 at GR90; 10 at GR100. Here are my results:

(Note: I’ve only included non-season items for both one’s Character and Follower. I have, also, included Ramalandi’s Gift, because it’s, always, been an item. As such, Seasonal items, such as Soul Shards, Embers, Petrified Screams I haven’t included, becasue when I did this, originally, a couple years ago, such items weren’t there.)

GR90: 11 Legendaries X 4; 10 Legendaries X 4; 9 Legendaries X 2

GR100: 12 Legendaries X 4; 11 Legendaries X 4; 10 Legendaries X2

Clearly, you get more Legendary Items at GR100 than 90. When I did this, as I said, a couple years ago, when Soul Shards, Embers, Screams weren’t available, at GR100, I, consistently, got 12 to 11 Legendary items. The only reason I got 10 Legendaries X 2, at GR 100, was because I had two Soul Shards, Embers, or Screams.

I don’t know why people, still, think GR90 is the cap; but, run it for yourself.


I quite enjoy when you go through these weird phases sometimes. I have been playing for hours since I unlocked double primals, doing visions the whole time and getting tons of legendaries, not a single primal.

The day that I did get to unlock it I got 4 in about the same amount of time.

I have been lucky though, already got 3 pretty perfect primals for builds I am playing. And possibly 4 but I don’t see myself actually getting around to IK.

Had a very weird thing happen, before I unlocked double primals I got two primals from one regular goblin. That was really cool.


I know about the difference between 90 and 100. It was Kirottu who argued with you on that. Besides that I usually run higher speeds than 100 to make keys last longer and get more exp pr run.


I received 7 before I activated the double drop. Now that it’s activated, nothing.

RNG is killing me bad.

I’ve run many times over the years. Many times at GR90 I’ve got 12 legendaries. Also many times at GR110 and above I’ve received 10 legendaries plus 2 scrap items.

The point is the item drop count, both legendaries and scrap combined, caps at GR90 at 12 items. That is a fact.

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Just the difference between GR100 and GR90 is that GR100 have higher chance of last 1-2 random items being legendary. You already reach the loot drop cap from GR90 which is 12; just last 1-2 items drop as low grade items more often than GR100. I think GR90 being the item cap is true, so I’ll aggree with Kirottu here. That doesn’t mean I deny anyone else saying otherwise.

If you prefer GR100, it’s your taste and choice but GR90 would be much faster. Given that power creep being massive in this Season, the time consumption margin between those will be very insignificant for an endgame player, but knowing the difference doesn’t hurt any new starter. Can we just close this subject?

In case you didn’t see this, I’ll repost it here (for some reason, I posted it to the wrong person):

I’ve just completed 20 run: 10 at GR90; 10 at GR100. Here are my results:

(Note: I’ve only included non-season items for both one’s Character and Follower. I have, also, included Ramalandi’s Gift, because it’s, always, been an item. As such, Seasonal items, such as Soul Shards, Embers, Petrified Screams I haven’t included, becasue when I did this, originally, a couple years ago, such items weren’t there.)

GR90: 11 Legendaries X 4; 10 Legendaries X 4; 9 Legendaries X 2

GR100: 12 Legendaries X 4; 11 Legendaries X 4; 10 Legendaries X2

Clearly, you get more Legendary Items at GR100 than 90. When I did this, as I said, a couple years ago, when Soul Shards, Embers, Screams weren’t available, at GR100, I, consistently, got 12 to 11 Legendary items. The only reason I got 10 Legendaries X 2, at GR 100, was because I had two Soul Shards, Embers, or Screams.

I don’t know why people, still, think GR90 is the cap; but, run it for yourself.


Because when talking about the cap, all equippable item drops are counted, not just legendaries!

You get 12 items total combined from GR90 onward, all the way to GR150.

Even at GR150 one might get only 10 legendaries and 2 scrap items, the same minimum as GR90 provides.


Items not counted towards the cap:

  • gems, mats, blood shards
  • petrified screams
  • Soul Shards
  • the extra primal granted by the Altar

If you count all the rest, the combined count is alwas 12 from GR90 up. Of those 10 are always legendaries, the other 2 can be legendary or even grey junk items.


Also, if the numbers on the website I looked at are correct, you get 397 blood shards from a 90 and 427 from a 100. In ten runs that’s 12 more items from Kadala.

i dunno, maybe you’re just new to d3 or something, but every GR above 90 reduces the chance for those 2 random drops to become legendaries. At GR 100 they will almost never not be legendaries (<2%), while at GR 90 the chance for them to not be legendary is 35%.

And you’re also wrong about Soul Shards not being counted against the legendary cap.
Soul Shards
Hellfire Embers
Ramaladni’s gift
all count as part of the 12 legendary items.

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You two have been arguing about this for a while now, and I think this is the rub. One of you is talking about ITEM drops and the other is talking about LEGENDARY item drops.

I’m NOT going to do any extensive testing. Because, frankly…   I don’t care. I’m currently pushing GR124 to GR126, running Bounties occasionally for the Double Cache and picking up Visions when they spawn.

However, I stopped long enough to run 1 GR90 and 1 GR100. Here are my results. (Oh, and I count Ramaladni’s Gifts and Hellforge Embers as LEGENDARY items):


In short, as far as I’m concerned: I got 12 LEGENDARY ITEMS both times. YMMV


I unequipped my Cosmetic Pet to run these to make sure any Magic or Rare items did not get automatically picked up and salvaged.


Maybe there is a connection between (Perusoe) being trust level 3 on the forum and getting more legendaries? :thinking: