Potion drops in Greater Rifts

I sometime lose my ‘special potion’ (the legendary ones you put there) in Greater Rifts. It happens, when you get with your mouse cursor over the potion field by accident. The annoying thing is, you can´t put it back then, because changing items is blocked in Grifts.

It does not happen all the time, but in this season I had it at least 3 times.

It would be better, that this field is somehow blocked in Grifts, so you can´t put the potion away, which means it drops and you have to pick it up again.


This has been reported many times already, but the developers have not done anything. It annoys me too, I’ve already lost a few potions in GRs.


Can’t see why they won’t add a lock toggle on it.

I use keybinds myself, but I would still lock it if I had the option to.

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Well, that specific part never happened to me, but… this f----- up interactive chatframe… or the menu-buttons right next to the potion annoy the hell out of me when I play certain specs.

They shouldn’t even be there. They should be part of the menu (the one you open by pressing [Esc]) and good is. A game with this level of reliance on mouseclicks shouldn’t have any kind of click-interaction in its interface. Atleast not in combat ( = only in town or only there working ).


Also, there is no use for the option to lose your potion, right? Yeah, chat sometimes ghost opens too for me. Also Paragons are available to assign in Grifts. Like Scáth says, click interactions should all be blocked

Just had this happen in a greater rift. Potion hit floor. Picked it up couldn’t re-equip it because “can’t change equipment now”. Well if I can’t change equipment now, why is my potion no longer equipped?