Post your season theme idea for S25 or S26

Season theme Angels of High Heavens

This theme would be focused around the five Archangels that make up the Angiris Council - these Archangels hold all the power over the high heavens and determine the laws in which all angels must abide by. The five Archangels are:

Auriel - Archangel of Hope
Imperius - Archangel of Valor
Ithereal - Archangel of Fate
Malthael - Archangel of Wisdom
Tyrael - Archangel of Justice

The idea I had for this theme was borrowed power from one of the five Archangels that would provide empowerments for their particular purpose, to the player. The player would have the ability to switch between Archangels, depending on what the borrowed powers would be that best fit their playstyle or gameplay mode/activity they are approaching. Their could be a set of light requirements to switch Archangels like having to create a new game.

There are a million different things you could do for borrowed powers/empowerments. And, there would be a set of baseline requirements before you could establish this borrowed power/empowerment from the Archangel of your choosing.

This theme could also introduce new wing cosmetics, armor transmogs, weapon transmogs, and class art. Their could be a set of achievements to complete, for each Archangel, that would reward that Archangels wings, armor set as a transmog, weapon as a transmog, and the following for class art:

Whatever Archangel you are currently empowered by could provide the character with an aura, glowing radiance around their character, and/or something else that accentuates a distinguishable feature from that chosen Archangel, on the player’s character.