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(post deleted by author)


Just rangeban China and aggressively block VPN usage with Diablo 4, problem (mostly) solved. Then it’s just the RMT houses that operate outside of China (very few afaik) and individual RMTers (buyer and sellers) that Blizz has to worry about.

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(post deleted by author)

Interesting. A Mystic for Mystic trade might be an interesting idea.
However, we’ll need to see the rerities of mystic items in release to actually know.


(post deleted by author)

Black market would be smaller or not exist if anti hack systems and bots were systematically banned. Manually selling items and farming is probably not worth the work. When 20 bots do the job.

If maps are randomly generated, is it really impossible to prevent botting?

(post deleted by author)

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Mythic item are never allow to trade.Topic close.


I, like you, also want to have basically free trade with my friends.

I, like many other players, don’t want global free trade for the negatives (bots/spammers/hackers trying to steal like in WoW/items intentionally given bad drop rates/trade scams/trading becoming single most impactful way to improve character/etc)

For me, I think the best trade system would be to be completely free between friends and guild members AND free between any party member who was there during the drop. (there should be no time limit like D3, that was unnecessary imo)

(obviously to avoid people just adding as friends after the drop, the item drop time should be logged and if someone was added as a friend after the drop time of the item then they can’t trade it).

That would be close to my ideal system, maybe a few issues with it but, it would make guilds more important, build a sense of community and force the game to provide meaningful non-trade progression for items.
It would make playing with friends and randoms rewarding and make the objective to kill stuff together rather than go check the AH website every time you get a decent tradable item.

Maybe venture outside every once in a while and experience the cruel world and you won’t be so bothered by finding the same item twice in a video game. You really want to combat the black market sellers? Make it an offline game that someone will develop a 3rd party app to create any item you want for free.

Completely free trade is the only way.


Don’t know what to think about your idea of free trade between long-time friends but as my memory serves they said that if you play in a party, you get an item and drop them your friends can pick it up and use it, just like in d3.

Untradable items don’t belong in Diablo game.



Making items untradeable disincentivises botters, but it does not stop them. The botters simply change the commodity they sell. At that point, they sell accounts that have been bot-farmed up.

The players that lose when the Devs make desireable items untradeable are the legitimate players, because we can’t trade. Even in limited trade scenarios, the restrictions seriously hurt legitimate players.

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They are adding a shared stash within a clan. So if you have friends, you all join the clan, you can share items in there. Mythics probably will be the exception to that I would suspect. But they did touch on that during the con.

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I believe it was a character in Michael Crichton’s “The Lost World” that said something like “As technology improves, the technology to fool it improves also.”

Their current plan allows a lot of trade player to player, but makes it very hard for a 3rd party website to do so.

During the D2 years I wrote a big posts of suggestions on how to limit the sale of items in a future Diablo game and I did some research on how 3rd party websites work. 3rd party websites buy items from players, if you look at the bottom of their website they have a “sell to us” link, they are also very active on D2JSP where they can buy items for a fraction of the price in real money. My idea at the time was that items should be “bound when identified” and high runes untradable.

Blizzard will allow certain items to be traded only once, meaning that 3rd party website would need to farm all those items manually and would therefore have a much smaller “bank” of items.

The open world nature of D4 might actually be of a big help here, because it will take a while for a proper bot to be developed.

Blizzard should only make Mythic items untradable, the other items should be 1-time trade and the commons (crafting mat, rares and magic items) free to trade. This way everything can be obtained through trade, but there will be no buying and reselling.

Bots, my friend. It’s going to be a thing, unfortunately.

Let these clowns have free trade. The game will be farmed and broken within 6mos and the playerbase will be elitist neck beards and Chinese farmers.

Or… wait for it… don’t allow trading! Why the hell would you ever allow this? The game is a grind… don’t let people lessen the grind.

Or… allow these garbage trades and also sell items in the MTX shop. I’d rather buy my gear from Blizzard than a Chinaman.

I honestly can’t think of one legitimate reason to offer trading outside of party. I played Diablo II for a day. My buddy gave me a f-ton of duped stat pots and some insane armor. Great experience… not.

F trading. You’re only opening a market for botters and neck beards. Streaming makes them enough money as it is, don’t let them sell your f’n virtual items. If anybody is gonna sell items let it be you (Blizzard) in the MTX shop.

Your suggested trade structure resembles that of a totalitarian state. So much for freedom, liberty and justice.

If you hate the effects of 3rd party transactions so much, a proper less selfish stance to take would be to demand Blizzard take action in a manner that doesn’t mutilate an aspect of the franchise that many have enjoyed.

But somehow I doubt you care about the impact of restricting trade or the impact of any kind of regulation for that matter as long as it’s in your interests.

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