The recent blue post here from CM Hooley had good news regarding additions of ladder runewords and items being available to players in single player.
There have been many other positive additions, QoL or content-wise (a little lacking here), to the game so far from what we know. Going by this it’s safe to assume the studio is capable of altering the game to a large degree.
So my question to Blizzard is this:
Will there be a possibility for future content in Diablo II: Resurrected?
Most of us here remember Diablo 2 quite fondly. For a lot us it was a mainstay game that we were excited about playing when we got home from work, school, etc. However it is far from perfect. The landscape of gaming has changed, and we have changed with it. I cherish this game, I love it to death, but even with the new coat of paint and QoL, I can’t help but feel like something is missing.
This is where private servers came in. They took it upon themselves to rework/buff old or underused skills, add new content like end-game maps with randomly generated enemies, and all sorts of other unique changes that added longevity to the game. This is not to say that some didn’t get carried away with buffing/reworking things to the point where the game was almost unrecognizable, but Blizzard has here, -again-, a real opportunity to show the community they still have what it takes to make a great game even better.
It would be a shame if the game was simply one-and-done after release, with no extra consideration given to it. I have doubts for its playerbase a year down the road from release. So again, please, Blizzard, I know the team at Vicarious Visions has done tremendous work so far, but there is a golden opportunity to breathe life back into this game for the long term. The ARPG genre has run stagnant, and with the recent changes in PoE, there is a chance to grab the top spot and hold onto it.
Hey Purists, I guess this guy didn’t play D2 back in the day and should go back to D3? I guess his opinion is less valid than some random dad that couldn’t give two god damns to go look up the release date for D2:R or visit these forums?
Ladder only items? Hell no! New content and adjustments in general? YES! I want WAY less Elemental immune monsters in Hell because it makes being a sorceress and solo stuff almost impossible unless you are god tier like the lightning sorc with…whatever that polearm runeword was called again.
I want…I know its heresy, NEW LOCATIONS and…I dunno. Maybe a couple new acts! The new acts would not really be more story, but side quests and doing other fun kill monster tasks. Kind of like they did with D4 when they added new areas to existing maps. They could add more people walking around the towns to make some more convincing that it’s a town or enlarge the maps and add some new npcs to buy or talk to or just, whatever. An expanded Kurast would be KILLER!
Spamming Baal Runs, Mephisto, and whatnot, yeah the loot hunt is what this game is all about. But that loot hunt could be extended to additional content.
Back in the day we did those runs until our brains melted because that’s all we knew. That was all the game had to offer. And we were fine with it. But we’ve changed and outgrown such simplicities.
Nothing is or ever will be added in terms of content. Come to terms with it - quickly. Move on. Grow up. Etc.
You are thinking of Infinity RW.
You can build a cold/lite or cold/fire sorc and do alright, especially with a strong merc.
I agree with having new locations and content for ladder though. Gives an incentive to do ladder without essentially forcing people to do it by limiting loot.
I don’t know what game you have played, but playing a Sorc is the easiest thing in the World. You barely need any items. Just take 2 elements, and nothing will stop you. There are only few groups of enemies on the whole Hell, who are immune to all elements, and can be avoided easily.
So i really would better be a purist than asking for SUCH changes.
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Would be great to see an additional Diablo I story line as a DLC to be released later.
Free or paid does not matter to me, I love this game so much.

By the way, I was thinking about this, but as a modification. If the moddig REALLY becomes easier, then I hope the craftsmen will make such a mod.
A prequel then? Well, lots of players I guess will pay for that.
@yanrak Yeah, but the problem is that the moment you do two elements your second element is always useless since you don’t have the points to do anything high enough damage with it and your primary element suffers greatly. Diablo is about minmaxing all the way and any deviation leaves you weaker in almost every case I have seen with maybe a few exceptions. The sorceress, not an exception.
You can have a dual element build and be plenty successful. Frozen orb with 20 points and maybe 10 in cold mastery is quite good at clearing rooms on its own. Then you can put everything else into lightning or fire tree. I used to run a build with fireball and frozen orb, with a decent amount of FCR you can fire 2 fireballs in between frozen orb cooldowns for quite a lot of damage.