Poison Scythe Necromancer Guide for S21

Super excited to see Poison Scythe on top for next season as it’s a build I’ve been pushing since August of 2017! Now it’s finally the best!

Check out the guide and GL in S21
Poison Scythe


This build is definitely fun to play, and pretty powerful! Unfortunately there seems to be a bug in production where the simulacrums stop swinging Grim Scythe when you do and it happens so frequently that this build is too frustrating to play. The simulacrums do a lot of the damage so when they stop swinging Grim Scythe you pretty much have to spend the rest of the cooldown running around trying to stay alive until you can recast them. Not fun!

The new haunted visions makes them last forever.
If you have an old version of this amulet equipped, they only last for 30 seconds. Could be the reason they vanish for you.

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It’s the new version, in the cube, and they do not vanish, they remain on the board and they continue to cast Bone Spear, just not Grim Scythe.

They should also only swing or shoot when you do, just like fetish for Carnival WD.

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Looking forward to scythe play next season! Thank you for the link.

thats a strange bug then. Nobody ever mentioned this afaik.

I am also finding the Inarius version of this build super fun, super tanky with the buff to bone armor defense. Granted I have only tried it for T16 key farming, but it obliterates everything.

There is a post in the bug forum, with video, by someone else experiencing it.

I also notice the sim dies I was soloing GR 127 and the butcher attack them and they die

when Bloodmaw the grift boss, he will insta-one-shot your sims too. Literally summoned them, he jumped, and saw them both ragdoll across the screen… i try kiting and running, but that doesn’t really work.

hey lordF, i did text you in youtube, nice talking you,
why Tals were preferred over a whopping chunk of 50% reduction of Aquila ?

attack speed is better than that 50% damage reduction?

You’re dumping your essence frequently with skeletal mage contamination, so the effect of aquila will be down a lot of the time. Plus, you won’t really find toughness lacking. 7% attack speed on tal chest is fantastic.

a) Should I cast Bone Armor as frequent as possible for the sake of procing Krysbin?

b) Or should I keep hacking with Grim Scythe and cast Bone Armor only every 12~15 seconds to proc Nayr’s buff?

Bone armor when u about hit poison cycle or u gonna lost a lot of damage since u dont have much CDR on this build. If u cast it on cold or phys u will not have the stun for poison. Necro only have 3 elements so its 12s cycle

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So the preferred is to cast Bone Armor a few seconds before Poison COE… got it.

Dump your essence just before the Poison(COE) rotation, and bone armor stun at the start of Poison rotation and hack till there is no tomorrow(you should have 5 stacks of Nayr if you do it correctly).

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Is there a attack speed magic number to achieve on the character sheet?

say "1.6 attack speed"

If u can get 23% extra AS from paragon + gears + 3% from follower = 26% then u reached the next AS breakpoint

what is the actual Max/ideal AS break point?