Most welcome! Glad to help. It feels like the more you dive into d3 mechanics, the more seemingly arbitrary things you find.
Unless a hybrid Mage / Scythe playstyle is viable and competitive, I think I’ll prefer the Sims as they are now, with ‘always on’ Leger’s. I’d feel better if spending essence had more purpose, and if you think about it, there still are reasons to run an essence dump even with this wonky mechanic in place.
To explain:
There’s an issue where the number of Mages summoned is less than expected when when you have Haunted Visions and Circle equipped, and both Grim Scythe and Skeletal Mage on the bar. It’s so sad because there is actual room in this build to hybrid.
- Blood and Bone + Skeletal Mage (unruned), no Grim Scythe on bar = 6 mages per cast
- Reservoir + Skeletal Mage (unruned), no Grim Scythe on bar = 4 mages per cast
- Blood and Bone + Skeletal Mage (unruned) + Grim Scythe (unruned) = 2 mages per cast
- Reservoir + Skeletal Mage (unruned) + Grim Scythe (unruned) = 2 mages per cast
Anyways, I’ve gone off again. Tangent time!