Plz fix "Fury" Bug

could we finally fix the issue with “Fury” being interruptible, zeal isn’t and i know it has been fixed on the “path of diablo” mod.

if u compared the skill descriptions on arreat summit

Zeal is uninterrupted.
Fury is uninterruptible.

and yet, fury due to some oversight in coding IS completely interruptible.

PLEASE fix this, it will save me a great deal of pain XD, especially in throne run vs those minions of destruction


Omg is that what is happening? I thought it was just intended :rofl:

It was so frustrating at first seeing my Fury attacks constantly miss and miss and miss even though the attack went off and the animation was playing. I figured out a technique of always moving, then attack, then move again and then attack - that makes Fury work a lot better and I kind of just thought it was meant to work that way.

If that is a bug then by Gaia yes please, a fix would be nice!

lol thats’ actually a different bug, that it shares with “fend”.

which also needs to be fixed…
im referring to zeal ignoring FHR lock from swirly animations and fury not. ( your attack animation will actually stop and you will be thrown into fhr frames)

zeal isnt thrown into fhr lock with a swirly on the head. it continues uninterupted


It is indeed an extremely annoying thing to deal with on Single Player… and I hate the feeling of having to play a mod in order to play a Fury Druid.

They should really fix this in D2R if they won’t in Original D2. Make it uninterruptible towards NPC’s at a minimum at least.