Please Put More Effort Into Challenge Rifts

I think we are all aware of that. Thank you though.

It would be nice to have some higher tiers in crifts, like a GR 120 with a p1000 Impale DH, where the monsters takes some time to kill, and you could easily fail if spending time incorrectly.

The problem with choosing high tier or high player skill challenges is that most of the player base would fail trying them and only serve to frustrate people that way.

Typically they have certain requirements, like the GR picked can’t be too short or too long, I’m guessing in between 5 - 10 minutes, and it could be tighter than that. And they might even change how much time (increase) for the bar you need to beat to get the reward. But I can’t remember that either.

The original premise is to take what is given and try to complete it faster than everyone else. It was a way to have a leaderboard that didn’t require thousands of Paragon or thousands of hours of grinding to get on.

It was never meant to showcase builds or allow you to customize it or have options to change it, as that would affect said premise.


Game on.

The rewards are fine. I mean they start a level 1 character off in the new season extremely well. The reward is enough.
As for the builds, as far as I know, they are a random clear done by a player. Blame the players for subpar builds. Its how its always been.

What the hell are you quoting that part for?

I was talking about why there aren’t high GRs or high skill demand runs in the CR challenges. Not about rewards here.

No, blame the devs for subpar gear to build subpar builds with. Not to mention some builds can look at a glance messed up but be fun to play and actually work fine if you know why they are built the way they are. And yes some are snapped from a player during leveling up their hero and are cobbled.

It happens.

Been able to change them as long as I can remember doing CR’s. I could be wrong, but…

You aren’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

Issue # 1: Frequency
Once a week is too long to wait. This isn’t a weekly newsletter, it is a game mode and should be fresh and incentivized daily.

Issue # 2: Not Dynamic
The challenge is gone when a player can repeat the same game, study the map and score. CRs would feel better if 70+ of them were available each week and randomly assigned each time you open a CR game. When you re-enter the Challenge Rift lobby, the next game is always different. There is no – ‘restart’ feature and they are NOT repeatable if you succeed. Maybe change the leaderboard score be an average of your best 5 clear times. Nobody is going to fish 1-in-70 for a CR best clear time.

Issue # 3: Poor Reward
In connection with issue #2, if we are investing time to study something, shouldn’t the reward reflect that? Perhaps grant more mats for a better clear time?