Please increase the Hellforge Ember droprate

And that matters to me why?

I have already completed everything else this season. Why do I need to have it actually unlocked by doing something I hate to do?

I have played every single season. I have done just enough set dungeons to have unlocked all the extra tabs and that’s it. I don’t care about the guardian rewards.

The dungeons suck, are not fun, not rewarding to do over and over again, and are nothing but a gate block to content. I would argue that doing some of the conquests are harder than set dungeons, but as they are right now, set dungeons could be even easier and I STILL wouldn’t want to do them!

So stop trying to tell me that I have to do them. Because I don’t. And I won’t. Simple as that.

That is your choice. Btu set dungeons are doable. Definitely doable.

Fair enough. Some of us do like the guardian rewards and we tolerate set dungeons enough to get the job done.

I agree, but since I like the goodies from completing the seasonal journey, I tolerate the set dungeon.

Definitely agreed. Make no mistake, I am NOT pro set dungeon. I hate the damn things myself. With a passion. I steel myself every season to do the complete and master set dungeon challenges though.

Nice to see that you answer (because oftentimes people will start a topic and a debate and then never reply). As I see it you don’t have to play the whole season journey to have fun and to benefit from the season theme. The first four chapters will give you the free set from Haedrig and then you can just play the rest of the season without worrying about the rest of the chapters and requirements.
Your “problem” is that you don’t like the repetitive playstyle of D3 doing more or less endless rifts and greater rifts just to become stronger in order to do higher and faster rifts and greater rifts. In a way that’s a healthy and at least an understandable position.

Another thing is that in reality there isn’t much reason for you to play season at all if you don’t or can’t invest the time and find the motivation needed for it . Cheers.

Quite true, and I have to withdraw some of my statements before, as I got one Ember on GR28; so I actually did enjoy part of this season “extra’s”
Done every other part and tried the Earth set Dungeon two times, but did not make it (again); so will stop at GR30 (again) and just finish my way of playing (get all the “bane of stricken” thingies; get a gem of ease to lvl25 and then get two other characters to the same point) and stop with this season again… I love to do that and really enjoy it, but I would also like to get a little bit further some seasons (when i am more playing); but do to the set dungeons, that is too difficult for me

Well, I have to correct myself. I actually got one Ember at GR28; so i did use this seasons “extra’s”. Done several GR30 after that without any Ember, but still have a lot GR30’s to go before I have all the legendary gems I want, so maybe i will get some more; will see

Urgh. Having done every single set dungeon for the achievements a couple of years ago, the Might of the Earth was the very last one I did, so I hear that. However, just in case you’re not aware of this, for the Season Journey tasks (completing and mastering a set dungeon) you can complete the dungeon for any set, i.e. you don’t have to do the one from the set that Haedrig’s Gifts gave you. You also don’t need to do the dungeon solo. As long as you complete the set-specific tasks, the other person can help you, e.g. with the “kill all mobs” task.

If you ever did want to try (and I understand if you don’t from having read your posts) I would suggest getting six pieces of the Immortal King set armour and the Bul Kathos mighty weapons. Then use a fairly standard Whirlwind/Rend build, but swap one of the shouts out for Call of the Ancients. The set dungeon for IK requires that you kill all the mobs in there, and all the elites with Call of the Ancients and Wrath of the Berserker active. The IK set means that COTA lasts forever (so that’s trivial) and also reduces the cooldown of skills every time you spend Fury. As you’re constantly Whirlwinding (which spends Fury) you can refresh WOTB way before it comes off cooldown. Essentially, getting mastery of that dungeon becomes “hold down WW and kill everything whilst pressing WOTB every 15 seconds or so” and takes under 90 seconds.

I see from your Battlenet ID that you play on EU servers. So do I, so if you’d like me to take you through some higher content drop me a Friends request (Meteorblade#2266) and I’d be happy to do so.


I do not agree with the text on this. Set dungeons are not “doable”; as in, you can do them with regular gear and a lot of trying. You can only do set dungeons (even at basic level) if you change your build entirely and look up on the internet what equipment you need (with respect for the players who went through terrible grind finding this out). Therefore, set dungeons are Diablo unworthy in my opinion. Every other part of D3 you can figure out on your own, or just get better stuff for, except set dungeons. I play diablo since the very start (yes, i am on old man) and this is the only frustrating part as far as i am concerned. (Oh, and the trap dungeon in Diablo 1, where you could jump in a locked room never to get out of, ruining your saved game).
For me, this ruins my progress for most of the 25 seasons now. I did manage a set dungeons a few times but most of the times, when i get to this point, i try it a few times with my own build, do not succeed and stop laying, waiting for the next season. And sometimes I get so frustrated, i stop playing for one or two seasons. But i udnerstand i am not the only one hating set dungeons

Thanx for the offer, maybe i will.

if only all set dungeons were equal then…didn’t realise it was that easy for barbs…

Yes, this is correct. Standard builds require modification in order to complete set dungeons. It is highly annoying no doubt.

never heard of it. And I played near 10k hours of the original Diablo.

D3 revolves around builds. DIY builds are never going to compete.

Cool. Now you can augment all your primal Blackthorns.


Coming from someone who is not willing to adapt in your own game and then cries about just makes me laugh

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Well, you sent the request yesterday just before noon and I accepted it within a few minutes. Saw you were in-game in menus so sent you whispers. Got no response. You logged out of game and Battlenet without responding.

Tonight, saw you come into game again, sent some whispers. No response. You got a new GR record, sent you a congrats message. No response. Half an hour later, you were still in-game, so I sent you another whisper. No response. You left game and Battlenet. An hour and a half later, you came back into game, sent you another whisper. No response. Quarter of an hour later, I gave up.

I tried


By chance, he didn’t notice the whisper?
Would it be better to send an invite?

If I’d sent them when he was in combat, perhaps, but they were sent whilst he was either in menus or in town, i.e. they wouldn’t have been amongst combat text. One was as soon as he logged into game. One was literally seconds after he handed in a GR. Missing one or two I can understand, but all nine of them?

Could have the chat hidden or honestly doesn’t pay attention. Too many people can’t afford to pay attention to things these days for some reason.

I had some random player join my clan about a month or so ago, told them we were a pretty dead group in that we don’t do huge gatherings and multiplayer runs. They later left the clan.

Since then, they have repeatedly been trying to join. I finally declined the request this week.

We have a lot of older players in the group. (older meaning been in D3 forever, and yes some of them are older people too) Most of us play solo, but sometimes we might group up with another for a short bit. It happens.

Not that I was trying to digress, but not everyone has the same priorities when it comes to chat, clans, etc.

Game on.

Dikkie could also activate the social option that allows friends to join games uninvited (if I remember correctly).


Ah, I see the hate brigade is back for more. I do the season journey every season. Usually within 3 days. SOLO. Usually rank in the top 10 globally on PS4 too. SOLO (edit to clarify - seasonal challenges LB). I’ve completed and mastered the set dungeon every season since seasons came to PS4 back in s10. SOLO. Most seasons, I’ve been top 20 globally, SC, SOLO. When other DH builds have been 5-10 GR stronger than my preferred s6 impale. Same on HC the past 5 seasons. All at far lower paragon levels than the group players who infest this game.

But anyway, on your bike.

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Not impressed. You just told me you completed the game guide which you have done
multiple times.

Bragging about mastering a set dungeon multiple times…not impressed

Grats!!! cant tell if those are good rankings are not.

Still stuck of group players being the reason you cant compete? Maybe use your advice below.

you really do have a superiority complex, don’t you.

Does it matter? I gave you advice and you didn’t like it. Do you have a listening problem?