Please give console autocast/numlock

I love this game. Played on PC since release, before switching to Nintendo last year. Some of these really fun PC builds are a nightmare to play on console(im thinking Grim Scythe, Vyrs, and Corpse Explosion in particuliar), and they are great in console. Bringing in an autocast feature would be a game changer for console! Can we do this!?


You can get controllers with advanced features to do so.

Dope! Any suggestions for the switch?

I know there was one on the market a few years back Nick, but AFAIK, it’s long been discontinued with no replacement.

Either way, i consider numlock cheating - it’s identical to using macros. no thank you to having it on consoles.

Just get the new Sony back buttons, OH MY GOD we’re they a game changer for this type of game. Best 30 bucks I ever spent

Numlock is allowed, macros not. But how you wanna check this anyway from official site.

For console i’m not sure if the autofire-controller still exists.

Most skills on console automatically already have built in auto cast. Most skills, not all. All you have to do is hold down the button for that skill and as soon as the skill can be activated, it activates it again. We do this alot on zmonks, we just hold down the epiphany button, mantra button, and punch at all times.

Some skills do not do this, like dashing strike, teleport, bloodrush.

I just put whatever spell I want to auto cast on the right bumper of the Xbox controller then jam a toothpick to keep it depressed. You have to redo it every time you enter a zone or menu but it does work.