I started back up and made a couple characters, but the necro is one I enjoy the most right now.
Please look at my profile and check it out. So far, I’m a ridiculous AOE machine.
I started back up and made a couple characters, but the necro is one I enjoy the most right now.
Please look at my profile and check it out. So far, I’m a ridiculous AOE machine.
Unfortunately, EVERY necro set is weaker than their LoD counterpart, except Masquerade (MUCH weaker with the recent nerfs to the set) and Rathma (WAYYYYY to dependent on CDR to do damage with one skill).
Inarius can be an “effective” Blood Nova build or an “effective” Grim Scythe generator build, but it is very hard to do both. If you want to focus on the Death Nova portion of your build, I’d equip your ethereal and cube Nayr’s Black Death and focus on poison skills to get the most benefit from your weapon powers. If you wanted to focus on Grim Scythe (I’d recommend LoD Scythe anyway), but I’d equip a Trag’Oul Fang and cube Nayr’s and again focus on poison skills but have Skeletal Mage Singularity to dump your Essence since Leger’s Disdain works by how much Essence you generate (the Topaz in your helm is counter intuitive since you WANT to spend Essence to have less in your pool so that you generate more and get more of a bonus). The biggest reason to play any of the necro sets is to use the Jesseth set since LoD based build just do everything better, but that weapon set can’t be used with the LoD build.
Your gem choices are far from optimal, Moratorium is just garbage and Miranae has a horrible proc chance, so it just doesn’t do enough damage. Thundergod’s belt is useless since Necro’s have no lightning damage skills. I’d switch to a Witching Hour or a Dayntee’s Binding (I’d change Bone Golem to Aura of Frailty if you go Dayntee’s). I’d change to a Simplicity’s Strength and a Bane of the Powerful, and switch Powerful to Stricken if RG fights are going too long. There was a fun and lazy way to play Inarius a while ago, but it’s been eclipsed by LoD (seeing a pattern?) and the Masquerade set (still the best Necro set after the heavy nerf). It relied on Bul Kathos ring (you had it when you first posted) and Toxin gem to passively do damage to everything around you. Then you just walked around the map and things died. Look up a Lazymancer build if you’re interested.
Thank you. 20 charac