Please Blizzard fix this one more bug with GoD set

I’m sure most of us are already aware of it but let’s try to make some attention here. Maybe blizzard can fix it before season 21.

So the 2p bunus should generate a momentum stack every time you attack with a primary skill. The thing is this doesn’t really happens always. There is some bug as sometimes you don’t get the new stack even after attacking. This really is frustrating as it can happen two times in a row and that means you are down two 12 stacks even if you belive to have 20.
Due to this bug you must constantly monitor your momentum icon to check and confirm thatd the 2p bonus worked after attacking with a primary.
To replicate the bug I’ve found it to be the easiest way to go in a high GR with a tanky setup with low dps and just strafe around a bunch of pulled mobs. You can easily notice that even thouh you are attacking with a primary constantly your momentum stacks will drop sometimes even down to 12.

Please post here if you would like this bug to be fixed too.

Thanks for reading.