Please Add Discipline secondary roll to Witching Hour for MS UE DH

Thank you. I don’t do the game math, but I didn’t feel his estimates were right based on my paragon experiences with the game.

What sort of paragon would you need every season to get to p7000 after 18 seasons?

I’m gonna guess about paragon 2781 each season for 18 seasons.

OK, so doable by legit methods then. Just requires heavy group gaming. i retract my previous statement about botting.

Perhaps the OP isn’t a DH specialist, despite his high paragon, but plays heavy group meta and stans another class/build.

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I’m not saying 1500 will get you to 7k. But with 19 seasons that seems attainable without botting. If you bot you can gain 4k maybe more in one season. The number I throw was just something to say it was attainable. I myself could have gotten 5k by now it I wasnt lazy and have a life out of the game. But my goal every season now is to get journey done in a week, then get to 800 paragon and retire to next season.

Absolutely. Not debating that it’s not possible, but keep in mind it’s much easier to get paragons now than it was for over half the seasons due to all of the power creep. 2781 paragons seems reasonable, but for the first few seasons, reaching above 1k paragon took an enormous amount of time. By the time season 9ish hit, most people with over 2k paragon were pretty much botters and were banned during that big wave. This wasn’t my point though.

He has by far more hours and elite kills on his DH than any other class… which brings me back to my point below.

It’s not about the paragon itself, it’s about spending thousands of hours on a class and not knowing how the most popular speed farming set in the game works mathematically.

It’s highly unlikely that someone would never come across that info from someone somewhere at some point with that many hours clocked unless one botted a number of those hours or bought the account.

I tend to find a way to derail threads. I’ll see myself out :confused:


My bad, I missed that!

True, true. I guess using your UE MS char for botting (mats) is probably the best case scenario here…

Bad idea. Common man. You need something that stacks multipulatively. Instead you’re requesting something that is additive to Chest, Quiver, Weapon and Preparation Invigoration. Invigoration is 20, and the other 3 are 12 and level 70 is 30 Discipline. So base 86 discipline. Adding 12 Discipline is (86+12)/86=114%. Big deal. So instead of hitting 1 Trillion damage you hit for 1.14 Trillion damage. These numbers aren’t worth a lick. If you want damage increase, you need something better than that. Look at something like Ballistics, it’s a 100% damage boost to rockets and you have 3 rockets with with Arsenal. This is a real damage increase.