PlayStation Leader Boards Topped by Cheaters?

you’re obviously not very bright are you? My last comment was a demonstration of logic on tolerance of rule breakers. People who commit crimes are rule breakers, no? Obviously rapists are far more serious offenders than some cheaters. I never suggested that they were the same.

Ah yes. Pretty sure I kick your behind when it comes to ranking on the LBs.

Well, the top say 500 cheaters push everyone below them down in their rankings…everyone. So, it affects a LOT of people. That’s simple logic. Again, I prefer the zero tolerance approach - ban the PSNs of these modders.

I mean, how hard would it be for Blizzard to introduce a sanity check on gear at character launch? A few seconds at most. Easy to write code for. Example:

if weapon has > than 1 socket, modder. Remove PSN from LBs.

If ring has > than 1 socket, modder. Remove PSN from LBs.

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So in the paragraph you’re quoting I’m commenting on the non-leaderboard impacts. In the same sentence: “outside of leaderboards”. Which gets back to the initial point you picked up on.

Non-leadboard impacts - so far, you care. As I said, I stand corrected on nobody cares about non-leader board impact. No big deal.

Leadboard impacts - generally I’ve observed people do care about that.

Cheating is cheating.

Whether Leaderboards have any relevance to you or me personally is irrelevant. They are provided by the developer as a means to compete.

Some people choose to play a Season to compete, they use their spare time to play D3 only and try and get a good Leaderboard spot.

Whether you or I think that is futile is utterly irrelevant. It is not irrelevant to the person who is committing their time to do something the developers developed in the game.

Cheating simply erodes the competitiveness nature in games and in D3 and removes the motivation of players to compete in a Season.

Blizzard only address, to some limited degree, cheating on PC and have never ever taking any action on D3 on Consoles.

I make an assumption they will never but take a lessons learned approach for D4.

Thus on PS4/PS5 and Switch expect modded gear and GR150’s done in a few seconds from every Season from now on.

If you really care about competing in D3 on Console then the XB1 version is the only Console platform free from modded gear.

Nothing has done about it ever and it has existed since day one on Switch (November 2018) thus from Season 15 right through to Season 25 Console players on Switch have experienced modded gear. Since Season 24 modded gear is on Playstation.

If they never took any action in the 10 seasons on Switch they are not going to do anything on Playstation.

It is what it is…

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Here is a (possibly) very stupid idea:

As a lot of people obviously do care about their ranking, and you can actually SEE what build people used to get their highest clear, why not make a FINAL COUNT Leaderboard, right here on the forum?

Granted, it would take a lot of time, but you could just filter out all the cheating bastards by looking at their gear, and make a LEGIT LEADERBOARD Top 100 (or 500, or whatever). That way, the people who actually give a damn (AKA the visitors on Fora like these), can actually see their ranking free of cheaters.

You could be number 347 on the Leaderboard as a Demonhunter, but as you filter out all the cheaters, it turns out that there are only 41 legit players above you, giving you an actual ranking of being 42nd.

I agree that this shouldn’t be rquired, but it is, and this way you can actually know your actual ranking and claim your bragging rights in front of the only people who care and matter: other legit players.

I’m always number 1 in my own eyes, unless my lady is around, and then its her.

When the developers abandon the competition, there is no competition. This is the effect of a boycott.

They should just do away with leaderboards that way cheaters would feel the need to troll them and we don’t have to read the same thread every season.

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even NS, the modders do damage to legitimate players - players getting paragon/xp buffs well beyond what they should, as an example. As a new player, you may not realise that the modder is cheating.


hear hear.

I know, but it’s so frustrating…it’s an easy fix to remove the modder cheaters from the LBs and liaise with Sony to have their PSNs banned…crikey, I could do it easily in under half an hour…all of it.

Blizzard could make a filter like they have for the sets I guess…but if they can do that, they can remove the modder cheaters…

And for those of us who enjoy the competitive nature of seasonal play? Why should we miss out on that cos of people doing the wrong thing and cheating with modded gear?

The ones crying about cheating arent even on the leadeboards. :laughing:

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Think this one through. Have you considered that’s because all 1000 ranking spots might be taken up by cheaters, so the legitimate players can’t get on there and that’s why they’re complaining?


You are incorrect. This is console, not pc. Everyone has a place on LB on console. Those people complaining about it on here are irrelevant since the better players dont waste complaining on here.

I think PlayStation seasonal cheaters needs a little attitude adjustment.
They only don’t know is where they will find to play from Torment 1 to Torment 16 HC or SC
When I start spinning over the game, and do my Magic tricks.
Who knows maybe my PSN id stays and on Seasons for the next decade.
Because now on Adventure many many people don’t dare to open Public anymore.

Or maybe the players complaining on here about cheaters are not playing Seasons because there are cheaters?

Not hard to understand that is it? I’ve been ranked #1 in solo and all groups in a Season previously but no point in playing Seasons now given they are full of modded gear.

Why waste my time playing S25? I’d rather use my precious game time elsewhere.

That there is the issue, if there were no cheaters I’d probably be playing S25…and have a LB entry.


Cute little Diablo pet.

Why waste time complaining on a forum when nothing has been or is going to be done? If you want to play legit, the best way is on pc, but there is still botting which will never go away. By your own logic, there is no reason for you to play the game.

The most legit way to play is “PC - Hardcore”. 2nd “most legit” is Xbox - softcore. 3rd is PC - softcore.

There’s cheating on every platform, some game-breaking some not.

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Why waste time complaining on a forum about people putting their feedback on a forum when its never going to change? It doesn’t make sense when that is one of the purposes of the forum.



Beg your pardon? Top 25 HC PS4 DH overall. #2 for shadow’s mantle. Was top 10 in the first week on SC, but I play HC, so once the season journey was done, my SC characters get abandoned and I no longer push.

My time is good enough for the top 10 on PC for the shadows mantle set btw. Top 150 overall DH players on PC. And I did that time with p750 and only 10 augments.

MB realises that mate. He’s simply pointing out an overall fact. In reality, it’s easy to apply the top 1000 to the console LBs the same as on PC.


Yup, and be near the top again too no doubt.

That’s 3 days to get the seasonal journey done…more and more people are just doing the seasonal journey, getting the rewards and quitting the season.

Perhaps Blizzard might finally hear our complaints and do something. Did the allies do nothing when Hitler invaded Poland? By your logic, they should have done nothing…

This is sadly true. A lot of the top players have migrated to HC because less cheaters. This is true irrespective of the platform. PS4 has now become like the Nintendo Switch. It has lost all decency…

Don’t use logic with him. He’s probably not going to understand it.

Sad, isn’t it?

This problem could easily be resolved by Blizzard, by introducing sanity checks, online saves and properly monitoring their console LBs. None of it hard, none of it costly, and none of it time consuming.

The big question is, why isn’t Blizzard doing anything. I can answer that for you - they simply don’t care at all about consoles. We were a quick and easy buck for them. They never had any intentions of proper maintenance of these platforms.

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thats what i do :slight_smile: but this season took me longer than 3 days, it was more like 10 days. I was slacking. However I did buy the pc version and within a week I had the diablo pet on there. I find myself playing more diablo3 now on pc since I have so much to do again. I 100% diablo3 on console ages ago only missing the rainbow portrait and the cosmic wings

Yes, I am missing only the rainbow portrait and cosmic wings. Given my dismal RNG luck, I’ll never get either. I have all the pets, all the xmogs and all the blue xmogs. Pretty sure that I’ve found every item in the game too lol.

Season journey took me 3 weeks this time, but mostly cos I was just plain lazy. Blizzard have ruined the seasonal challenges for me now, with whatever crap they’ve done to the challenges in s25. I’m usually top 10 or very close to top 10…I think I’m rank 9000+ this time around lol and don’t care.