I just got back into playing 3 on ps3 but not wanting to mod gear. So having to do it the hard way. Ive searched for groups but since im low level there isnt any. If anyone would like to tag along would appreciate the company.
I doubt there’s anyone playing on PS3 considering its development was abandoned after patch 2.0.6. It doesn’t even have greater rifts or anything else meaningful.
Diablo3 on PS3 is the closest one can get to experiencing D3Vanilla at this late date.
Don’t attempt to play the Season Journey on PS3. It can’t be done.
This is a personal preference but the one thing that would make me fire up the PS3 version of RoS is building the original version of M6 where the sentries would fire all your spenders and at a pretty fast rate too. You just don’t get that experience with the current iteration of M6.
And that build made sense on console where aiming isn’t as precise or responsive as PC.
If referring to the version without RoS, yeah, that’s the closest anyone can get to vanilla D3. It effectively had loot 1.5 and no adventure mode.
Though, I prefer the lost in limbo patch 2.0.6 version of RoS the PS3 and 360 versions are stuck in.
Base game D3 on PC is also decent for certain classes… Innas monk is decent, as is IK HOTA Barb, Tals Meteor Wiz and Zuni DoD WD… even without the cube, you can get a decent variant of these builds via equipped items only.
Nats DH is a bit gumby though.
Tragouls Coils, Demon’s Demise and Chanon Bolder only drops at lvl70 so a base game character won’t ever see them. Imagine playing Spiked Traps without the damage multipliers from support legendary items?
Anyone who is playing the base game and wants to be end game viable… do NOT play DH.