Playing Non-Seasonal Character Help

Hi all,

Had a question that I couldn’t find the answer to. I’ve been playing with my son with a seasonal character, he got around 2 chapters done in Campaign before we started with the seasonal Adventure mode.

My question is: once the season ends and the seasonal becomes a non-seasonal character, will he still be able to play it even though he didn’t complete the Campaign? Or will Adventure Mode be locked until Campaign is finished?

Also, I had heard you could complete Campaign just by defeating Malthael in a5 but we tried that and he still couldn’t enter Adventure Mode to create a non-seasonal character.

Any help appreciated!

If the account has never before completed the campaign then you must complete it up to killing Malthiel to unlock Adventure Mode. Once unlocked in this way that mode will be available ever after.

As for the seasonal bit, when it ends the character will be converted to a non season character, but the progress on campaign will not change so he will still need to complete the campaign either by doing it himself or joining another player to kill Mal in act 5, which will also unlock the mode for him.

In addition, you can have someone unlock it for you on non-season by having them take you to the Malthael quest and letting you kill Malthael. This will permanently unlock adventure mode unless you delete or rebirth that hero.

Add me as a friend if you want me to help you unlock it for when the season ends. It only takes a few minutes.

Just to be 100% clear, you need to kill malthael in campaign mode to unlock adventure mode. Killing mathael in adventure mode does not count as finishing the campaign.

Correct me if I remember wrong, but procedure is: someone that has completed the campaign is made party leader, and in game settings selects campaign mode and and selects the last quest in the drop-down menu. Then enter game and kill malth, and that should be it,everyone should now have adventure mode unlocked.


correct (20 characters)

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If you complete the campaign in seasonal mode, after season ends then you will have adventure unlocked in non-season, but it won’t automatically unlock adventure in non-season at the moment you finish campaign in season. Does that make sense?

In cases of completing the campaign in seasonal, it won’t unlock for non season until that season has ended and the characters have been reverted to non seasonal.

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That’s what I said, in a roundabout way.