Player shows as being NS when playing Seasonal, and is unable to join game

Friends show up as non-seasonal when playing on seasonal characters. Most of the time they are not able to join my games.

I was able to go to the menues and make a new game with them, but their Hero does not show up while we are standing in the menues. Also the face is missing from the portrait.

My friend shows up as NS even while we are both in the same game together.

I am sure this is related to the Clan / Community bugs but I could not find another report that specifically shows the graphics issue.

On another related issue, there has been a persistent bug that has been plaguing this account for several years now, where about 75% of players that attempt to join the game are told that they are inelligible for the current game content. This also shows up in the chat. However, after about 60 secs of them waiting at the loading screen it returns them to the menues where they can simply click “Resume Game” and it will then allow them to join.

That is similar to what is happening now except that they can no longer click resume, and can not join my games at all.

All of which is part of the issues that have been on-going for almost three weeks now…

I am trying to think what might be the underlying cause. There was a bug a few months ago that only affected accounts that were purchased during a certain period that were part of a Battle Chest.

The issues seem to be similar, and it might be the same account that is affected, so they might be related. I forget which account was affected before.

The issue that I have where players are told that they are not eligible to join my games is very consistent, in that certain players will always get the message 100% of the time, and other players will not.

I am not sure if it is related to whether they are on my friends list or not, because I very frequently play with the same people, but not all of them are on my friends list. But that issue has been happening for years now.


That was a player trading issue for people who had bought the BattleChest in March 2015.

What I meant was that only one of my accounts was affected by the previous “trading” bug and I am not sure if it is the same account that is affected by this latest bug. But they are very similar bugs, so they might be related.