Physical authenticator problems

This just happened today 11 02 20. I tried to login to and it asked for my authenticator code. When I pressed the button on the physical authenticator it gave a code like this - E01E12 instead of the normal six digit code. This happened twice. Then I waited a few minutes and now it seems to be working fine. The device has never given an error code before and it seems to be working fine now, it’s back to giving the normal six digit code. I did remove the authenticator from my account in case the error codes persisted. What should I do now? Do I take a chance that the authenticator will work in the future and re-install the authenticator to my account? Is it possible to get another physical authenticator or is it possible to replace the battery in the one I have? Thanks for any help.

Probably should just remove it, and replace it with the software version.

I did not know there was a software version. Can I do that on my pc? My phone is not capable of accessing the internet other than talk and text. I don’t have a data plan on my phone. Thanks.

Hey, Jaris! It does sound like the authenticator might be dying or needed a new battery. Generally, the authenticator can last around 2 years, though I have seen some that have lasted much longer

As for the software version, it should be available if you have access to the Google or Apple store.

This is not supported and may not be as secure, but an emulator for the PC is an option if that may be a better option to look into. Alternatively, we just have the phone option here to send text messages. Its not as secure as the authenticator, but it’s still an option to add some alerts and security to the account.

Hope this information may be helpful if you wanted to explore some other ways to add additional security to the account.

Thanks for the help Caterpepi. One more question - can I open up the authenticator and replace the battery? It looks sealed and I don’t want to destroy it when or if I open it to replace the battery. Can I open it, replace the battery and then just tape it or glue it back together? Thanks again.

That’s not something that we can assist with or generally recommended to be done. To my knowledge, prying it open would snap the chipset inside so that the device will be completely inoperable as a security feature. I can only recommend to mobile options here. There are many stores online that sell our physical Authenticators still if you wanted to have that option instead.

Ok Caterpepi, thanks for the info. I’ll leave it alone and use one of the other methods. Thanks again.

For future reference the Authenticators that Blizzard uses are DigiPass Go 6 models. They are rated to last 7 years depending on use, not 2. :slight_smile: Further, the batteries can not be replaced ever. Opening the device breaks it - and it was designed that way on purpose.

What used to happen though from a Support perspective is that if a customer bought a physical Auth from Blizz and it broke in under 2 years Blizzard replaced it for free. Maybe that is why you were thinking of 2 years?

I should have been more clear that it wasn’t rated to last 2 years, but general warranty use to cover 2 years. That is correct though. Most authenticators can last several years from what I’ve seen.

I think mine’s well over 12 years old at this point.

I got my first in 2008 and it died in 2010. Right in the middle of a dungeon run I got DCed and could not get back in! ACK.

Blizz was awesome and sent me a new one for free (withing the 2 years warranty period) as well as removed the broken one for me. I still have, and use, the Auth from 2010.

I know someday I will have to migrate to the digital Auth but I will fight as long as possible to avoid that. I don’t do apps!

The 7 year figure comes from the website of the Auth maker :slight_smile: Or what it used to say anyway. Our Forum Support Reps in CS also use that figure for a lifetime rating.