Phalanax avatar bug?

To make a long story short i thought it would be fun to throw together a few phalanax related legendaries and some CDR to see if i could get a couple sets of bowmen up at once.

Unfortunately it seems that when i spawn a new set, the previous set is despawned! I figured this had to have been a bug, because the actual skill doesn’t have an “in use” golden border like any other skill that would indicate you can’t overlap that same effect with its self based on CDR (like summon zombie dogs, or any of the crusaders law skills, or akarats champion).

Also, if this is intended behavior, does it cripple my build given that i can only have one set of bowmen out at a time? Would CDR still be the way to go, just to keep spawning the basic phalanaxes from kills during akarats champion?