Pets picking up stuff

I know he was talking about DI but what I point out was D3. He reply about D3.

All the time, in Diablo Immortal. Which you know full well as you quoted me talking about Immortal, where I was contrasting how easy it is to collect loot in Immortal by just walking over it compared to having to click on it in D3.

If you have a disability then why be in such a hurry to pick things up? No one is forcing you to click so quick that it hurts are they?

I have arthritis in my fingers and wrists, as well as, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. But I’m not in here complaining about clicking

The waypoint portals are the worst.

In D:I as long as you are standing somewhere near a waypoint (there’s a pretty good size buffer zone around it, you don’t have to be right on top of it) and pick a location on the map, you port there instantly without the town portal animation.

Now coming back to D3 I keep walking near waypoints then open my map to go somewhere and get annoyed that the port animation starts, then I cancel it and actually go the rest of the way over to the waypoint and click through the map that way so I can port without the animation.


I quote you on D3 not DI. I haven’t played DI for awhile is there pets in the game now? If there is no pets in DI why would I be talking about pets?

That is the most accurate animation for Diablo 3. I audibly laughed at that. Just blindly running through while you nuke everything and the dog slowly grabbing items.

Thank you TinneOnnMuin


Because I was talking about the difference in functionality in loot / material pickup in Immortal versus D3, i.e. in DI I just have to walk over stuff whereas in D3 I have to stop and click on stuff. After months of the ease of just walking over stuff, coming back to having to click on stuff feels like a backwards step. D3’s Altar introducing the pets being able to pick up some stuff (white / blue / yellow items and DBs) is an improvement, but it makes little sense to allow them to pick up DBs (a material, which has no inventory space requirements) but not white / blue / yellow materials.

I believe that the best option would be for the DB seal to just have pets pick up ALL materials that do not have an inventory limit. So Death Breath, White/Blue/Yellow mats, keys, and the like. NOT healing orbs, power orbs, items that take up an inventory slot, or even bloodshards as those have a limit on capacity. I also think that the progress orb bit should be linked with that seal.

HOWEVER! The part that I question is the auto salvage part. That is something that while generally useful, can be bad in specific circumstances. Such as trying to gear up an alt while solo. It also makes it incredibly difficult to get white/blue/yellow items for trying to use the cube to convert one type of mat into another time. This, IMO, is a bug.

The solution to this bug, and the complaints of other players about pets and collecting things, is quite simple. Add some way to turn off the pet related seals. That way you can still unlock everything for the Wings of Terror without any kind of problem at all. You could still gear up an alt without your pet eating all the items, or get a needed item for mat conversion, or if you’re one of those that simply doesn’t like the pet changes you can just turn them off entirely.

You can purchase white / blue / yellow items from “…the Collector” NPCs in the towns. Whilst these purchased items cannot be salvaged, they can be used in the Cube’s recipe to convert between white / blue / yellow materials.

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Still leaves the fact that, if you have that unlocked, gearing up an alt of a class with a different stat priority, IE an alt Barb when you’ve been playing Necro, becomes quite a bit harder. Yes you can craft items but you would need the remove item level requirements node to be able to use them, and crafted lvl 70 yellows are WEAKER than found ones.

Yeah, that’s no-brainer right there… they could either do that or add it to the seal that unlocks DB pickup. At the very least that would make me consider unlocking it, because Death Breath is usually the thing I don’t even care about at some point in the season while all other mats a highly desired…

This is an advanced strategy, so don’t tell anyone, but my trick to leveling alts is to take the node that’s specifically, and exclusively, designed for leveling. The node is hidden very near the top of the tree, so my secret is probably safe.

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My point about them being weaker than found ones, significantly so, still stands.

I’m sorry but who’s gearing their alts in yellows? If your main is a Necro, and you want a Barb alt, farm a load of materials on the Necro, roll a level 1 Barb, and on the Barb craft some level 70 yellow items at the smith, use the cube’s “upgrade rare to legendary” recipe so the Barb has any old legendaries in each slot, hand him a LOD gem, hey presto… that’s enough until you get the Barb a set by spending bloodshards at Kadala.


I’m curious. Do you feel the same way about people who get other players to level them up during the season? Are they lazy too?

He didn’t want to pay the blacksmith so he found some off the ground.

The node for pets to auto salvage items is high enough up that I can think of no reason why you would need to save those items by that point. If you’ve unlocked that node you would have a full set of spare legendaries for an alt (which would have no level requirement btw.)
As previously mentioned, vendor items can be converted in the cube for other materials. Anyone using dropped items to convert in the cube is definitely handicapping their progress.

I mean good for you but its not about the speed of clicking, its about the quantity on clicking. And whilst I am glad you have found a way to play they game and not aggravate your advisability or injury horribly, not everyone is so lucky.

I am not complaining, did you miss the part where I have said multiple time that I am still happy with the seal the way it is? But it would also be nice if it picked up all mats, nothing wrong with saying a certain feature would be nice or helpful. Pointing out the difference in peoples abilities and what could been seen as an inequity in the game isn’t complaining or being a baby, its just pointing it out and talking about a potential small QoL change that would make the game more relaxed and enjoyable for those who do have trouble with the clicking, and it wont break the game or detract from it for those who don’t mine the clicking, in my opinion.

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I don’t know, if I would have the altar (almost) fully unlocked before leveling an alt and I wouldn’t use the season benefit of lvl 70 items on the alt - I would just not use a pet on the alt - can still click and pick any item on the ground if that is the preferred way…

Also , if I would like to collect like white items from Battlefields of Eternity for instance, I would just UNEQIP the pet for that run.