Petrified Screams

I’ve been playing for, almost, 5 hours, and I’ve not seen one. Has D3 changed their drop rate?

Drop rates are the same, but each person RNG will vary between seasons. We can’t help you get better RNG.

To increase scream per hour, you just need to run more rifts per hour, which mean faster rifts, and less downtime between rifts. If you need help with that, we can help you.


edit: had a quick look at your profile. It looks good, you got the right pieces in the right places of your death nova necro. There are a couple easy improvements to make though: You always want crit chance or crit damage over AD (your off-hand and ammy), rerolling those will be a big damage boost. There is no point rerolling damage range on your primal weapon. The damage type on the weapon doesnt matter, although I know that isn’t obvious, and there is nothing you can do about it now. Next time, the better reroll would be CDR to damage. You can easily craft better guardians bracers. You should be able to craft hundreds of them by now, so getting ancients with physical/int/vit/crit, and close to max roll on physical and crit, is very realistic.


Thanks, I’m, almost, touched you checked-out my profile.

As such, I took Area Damage because I’m low on certain resources and was trying to conserve Mats. That said, I will correct that when I can.

Still, after several hours, you’d think a PS would drop.

Are you running strictly GRs?
How fast are your GR times?
How long down time do you have between GRs?


So we get essentially exactly this quite frequently on this forum. People coming in, upset that they don’t petrified screams, and say that they’ve been running rifts for X hours.

But it’s not the hours that count, it’s the number of rifts.

And when asking a bit, it turns out that a lot of these people have not really run that many rifts, because they are inefficient. So while we don’t know about you in particular, this is the reason why you’re met with this response.

High pace is rifts in around or just below 90 seconds and average about 30 seconds for gems and salvage, which means up to 30 rifts per hour. Almost all random players I pick up from general chat or public games get overwhelmed within 5-10 minutes if I try to run that pace though.

I think more commonly people (as in an average player at say 800 paragon) run around 10 GRs per hour in practice at best, even when farming GRs only. Partially due to slower rifts, but mostly due to stops to look at gear and tinker.

So I’d suggest setting up your GR build for speed (once, don’t tinker after that as long as it works), find the GR level where you can run below 2min consistently, then set aside an hour and see how many GRs you can fit in. By giving yourself a challenge like that, the scream drops become a bit of a side bonus, and your brain can focus more on the objective of maintaining good pace. By focusing on something that you can influence (unlike scream RNG), you’ve set yourself up for a better mindset and a more enjoyable session. Also you’ll get more screams.


why not? Wouldn’t a higher average damage be beneficial?

I see that his weapon has a little violet swirly in the upper right corner.
A) what does that mean? And is this the reason why they can’t do anything about it?
B) If not: And why not?

Looked again, it’s the cyan-coloured recycle sysmbol, right? So they had used a reroll on damage and one can only reroll one attribute. Right?

Because I think the context is that it’s a Primal weapon which has maximized stats by default. However, there are reasons you would want to do that; one, Elemental Exposure, you want the right elemental imbue damage, two, it’s Lords of Hell Season and you need poison damage on your weapon. Lastly, it’s an Ancient grade weapon with +10% Damage roll on it.


could you explain that please?

I looked at the build again. I’ve seen that set items can also be ancient - can they also be primal?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

In case you don’t need any kind of fancy extra Cooldown Reduction% or Area Damage%, yet holding an ancient 1-handed weapon with +9-10% Damage, you could attempt to make the damage range higher by rerolling it.
Say, you have +1488-1892 at damage modifier range for a 1-handed weapon; you still have way to go until highest minimum damage roll of +1560-1940 modifier. This way, you’ll maximize the optimization. This is a very rare situation though. Most of the times, rerolling for AD% or CdR% would be more beneficial even if you have +10% Damage roll on the weapon. Pushing the peak damage output, may cause you to lack Area Damage% or dish it out inconsistently while dual wielding as your calculations switch hands per action.

The maximum damage range you can see on weapons may vary by their type also. For example daggers and 1-handed hand xbows have smaller minimum damage and a large margin between their minimum and maximum damage. While 2 handed heavy hitters like Crossbows and any melee, would have higher minimum damage but smaller margin between minimum and maximum. Heavier they hit, minimum damage modifier will rise, but margin of range between minimum and maximum will diminish.

While it’s exciting, don’t let this small detail fool you. The preference of weapon for the build will depend on different mechanics beside the obligatory Legendary powers. Some skills and their occurring effects will calculate the damage by averages of minimum and maximum damage, some interchangeably between main and off-hand while dual-wielding.
You don’t exactly need perfect rolls for overcoming the challenges ahead and targeted affixes for optimization will differ between builds but highest minimum damage you can get is almost mandatory.

Yes. They can be. The “Primal” or “Primal Ancient” is a grade of quality just “Ancient”.


You have a little red swirly beam waiting for you once you solo GR70 first time. :wink:

And yeah, it’s pretty rare that rerolling damage range is the best option on a weapon.

The game kindof leads you to think that + % physical damage (on bracers for example) would synergise with having physical type weapon damage range, but the element of the attack is actually determined by the skill and the rune. So it’s a common mistake that people reroll the range to match the weapons damage type to their elemental damage rolls on other pieces, and I think that’s what happened here. Just another poorly documented mechanic in diablo 3.


Of course, it will likely be a Primal follower token or a Nailbiter. :laughing:


I thought the Primal for completing first completion of a solo 70 was guaranteed to be Blackthornes.


I don’t want to be that guy but I saw this post, ran a GR, and instantly got an Petrified Scream. :laughing:

Edit: got another one on my third run.


This post is an insta-report for sure, just cant decide if it should be “trolling” or “inappropriate”. :thinking: