Petrified Screams

There is like 4-8 threads going a day on this mostly dead forum, hard to come out of nowhere.

Pointing out you are relaying bad information again is not bullying.

so, when you do 5-10 sub 70 GRs at the start of the season, you have noticed a difference in the drop rate of something that is 1:20?

TBH, I rarely run more than 5-8 GR’s sub 70 even at the start of the season. I would rather burn my keys getting more xp at higher GR’s than running GR50s at the start of the season. Even on HC, I usually unlock Primals with no legendary gems at 25, no augments, less than 300 paragon, and no ancient gear.

only a noob stops doing <70 gr’s at the start of a season before their gem situation is reasonable. you literally dont even know how to be an efficient speed runner.

your name is fitting, cyberbully

He said you are mad at him (Alexis"mad"). The true thing about that is that it is madness taking him seriously. Have you checked his profile? (I have posted a link earlier). Hardly any ancient items on season heroes, hardly any (if any at all) augments and low level gems. He obviously plays both the game and the forum for fun… and doing a great job too. :grinning:

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I am usually speed running 70s+ at 5-10 GRs into a season. It is very easy to run GR70s with no legendary gems. You may have to run dozens and dozens of GR30s at the start of the season, but I don’t have that problem.

If correcting your bad information is bullying, you must have some real thin skin.

Ya, lot of user error. Think his WD had 6 set pieces, but they were from 3 different sets. He might be the guy they pull the Challenge Rifts from. His “I quit” and “D4 sucks” trolling is amusing, but it is bad when he is spreading misinformation about D3.


I was looking at your America’s realm.

When I’m on another realm I will mention that when posting on a different forum.

It keeps down confusion.

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