Petition -altar of rites to come to non season

It’s 100% D4 for them now. D2R and D3 are dead. You see no activity from Blizzard here… though, we can only hope that Pez and even someone hire up are reading our comments.

The huge nothingburger patch for the current D2R season looks to be the first of many nothingburgers that game will get.

D3 will be getting the same nothingburger for S31.

My guess too.

In all the dev interviews, especially for those who have left Blizzard, it seems that they are somewhat clued in with what players want most of the time and they are the ones to learn from mistakes… but their hands are tied because it ends up being the higher ups who make the final call.

One would hope so.

Anyone who was hyped to buy D4 would have already done so. In terms of new players, I would have thought that the pool of players hesitant to jump on a not yet matured game would have been the next pool of customers… namely D2R and D3 players.

By getting both D2R and D3 in a good maintenance mode state, they retain players who are more likely to migrate to D4 when the maintenance mode grows stale.

Cheers for your ongoing efforts mate. Now fingers crossed that we see some results so everyone is happier.

EDIT: almost 200 likes too.


I suggest tag xbox and microsoft as well, now they have new boss, which is at least more willing to listen gamer’s voice than blizzard itself.


I was really looking forward to the Altar and Visions in non-season play, and incredibly disappointed that they’re season only.


i join you for ask in non-season too.


Wow this thread has gotten over 200 :blue_heart: the most I’ve seen on the D3 board in I don’t know how many years now!

Hey blizzard you think you could trot out your CM and have him give a better, more thought out lie on why NS was excluded? Lord knows you’ve had the time to come up something better than “misspoke lol sorry!”

This is clearly something a lot of players were looking forward to.

Imagine an old game like this getting so much attention, and then taking a big :poop: on your fans for no good reason. As if something like this won’t happen with D4 or whatever else is the current game. Why is the management so out of touch?


+1, Altar and Visions for non-season please

Also for Adam Fletcher to admit his lies and indifference to the community and resign!

Greetings from Scotland


A MASSIVE Thank you for EVERYONE around the world for jumping on this thread to voice your opinions!!

GIVE US THE ALTAR BLIZZARD, it’s pretty much unanimous, from ALL players.

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Agreed. I wouldnt even mind a reset when a new season comes out. Ill say -Signed- and leave it there.


Such comments are unlikely to help this cause… please keep things in a civil and positive manner. If we want the responsible guys at Blizzard to change their mind - and have them pretty much admit making a mistake by that - we should not bring up stuff like that. This petition is just and it has a great response so far… let’s not poison it.


Personally, if this is more or less the final patch iteration, then ns mode now feels castrated compared to seasons. And I’m not talking about the power creep from the season theme or that what little is left of the Altar. No, it’s all the QoL stuff that’s missing.

I do agree that the Altar, even in it’s nerfed form, is still pretty powerful and should not be available in NS from the get-go. I think ideally it should be unlocked, pretty similar to how primal drops are unlocked. It could be similar to that (complete a certain solo GR level) or even something like a full campaign playthrough on T16. I don’t care. But it should be there…

Right now, being in NS feels like playing extra hard… it’s extremely unfun. So many things got nerfed to counter the Altar and Season themes. It had to be done for things like Tal Rasha Meteor, that is understandable, but this affects non season far more than seasons… because in seasons the themes will compensate the losses, but outside of that we got NOTHING! Not even a toned down Altar, which we all expected. That’s unreasonable.

So please, bring it to NS as well.


+1 just do it. And do it even better for non-season


This is well said.

I don’t disagree that the benefits of the Altar is a tad powerful for someone on a fresh account (especially reducing all level requirements to 1 so early on), and not being able to deselect a node causes issues when one wants to play with a fresh character with pet later on and the pet keeps salvaging everything of use.

I suspect that if it’s character level or GR locked, it may in inadvertently apply to Seasons too, and we don’t want the nodes moved around either as this will affect seasons as well.

So if we had to pick between two situations, just throwing the altar in… available from the get go, or gated behind a level or GR requirement, I’d much prefer it available from the get go. It’s situated away from the main waypoint area in town anyway that a fresh player would have to go out of their way to find it, and it’s no different to a fresh player playing in seasons where the altar is available from the start.

It’ll be less work for the devs to just put it in as is.


Blizzard you are LIAR


This was supposed to highlight there is a community that enjoys the non season play style , not sling hate at blizzard or the developers.

We just want the altar


That’s the thing that bothers me the most, is people saying PezRadar is a “liar”. He’s “just” a CM. He has information from Blizzard and the development team. He transmits them (that’s his job). If the information is not good (or unclear in this case), it is not his fault.

So leave him alone.

Blizzard, devs team, bring Altar (just QoL, it will get me well) and Visions to NS please.

From France


I have only played seasonal until now. Since seasons are now repeating, I was planning to play NS and finally get those high paragons everyone is talking about. Finding out that the alter is seasonal only is disappointing and now I’m not sure I’ll bother.


Please Blizzard add the altar to non season. Thank you.


I’m not sure if blizzard even reads anything on this forum. I think we could do better if we put same energy in places like X and reddit.

Also we should tag Microsoft and Xbox.


+100 for the Altar in non season mode !!


They should call it “Alter of lies”


I would love for the Altar to be in non seasonal.

It has QoL additions that players have been requesting for years.

Please bring this at the end of S30 to non seasonal side.