Personal VS FFA Loot in D2

Faulty - But how do you divide the drops in a way that makes it fair? Say I’m running my hdin, and suddenly a light sorc fully decked joins the party. Suddenly all the drops go to him even though I’m the host but he is rocking a char that does more damage and gets more killing blows?

Unless in a full game you are saying that there should be 8x the amount of drops, where everyone is getting an equal share. In which case, I’m not sure that is good for the economy. It would change the whole dynamic of the amount of gear available, and what it takes to acquire gear.

Edit: You even say the people doing the killing are close enough to get more drops. How is that an argument for shared?

Yes but even using my table in the first post, that alone would fix that issue, if someone is coming in 10 levels higher than you, don’t invite, or change the party, you would probably do that anyways if a high level entered your game and started killing all the bosses on you.

You may need to do a scale off monster ilvl, or some combination, but a fair split regardless of level in all situations, in a heavily rushed game, seems so off to me, makes sense in single full run games, but D2’s best drops come from quick bosses usually.

This is more of a reference to say baal runs. Why would I not want another killer in my runs to speed things up? Your table brings up interesting ideas. However as someone who constantly pushes to high 90’s it would not be beneficial for people to join me with such a system. A level 84 geared well, can contribute just as much damage to the party as my level 97, why should they be punished for being a lower level?

That table just doesn’t work very well for at least my playstyle. And people at the top of ladder can sometimes get very picky with other high level characters whom they are racing to be joining the same games. The last thing I want is to have to choose people based on their level, and not necessarily their char power.

It would just bring an arbitrary division on who you can and can’t run xp runs with.

Well ya that’s why you could add a mlvl mechanic, you gotta at least be able to kill them solo, anyone below 80 in hell baal runs is basically useless, no offense but you are. Your there to make drops better, but now your leeching those drops as well. Neither are good but just going to personal just makes the old problems into new problems.

Hell could make it that math doesn’t kick in for hell until 85+ because you are right they are the only useful people, why would we keep anyone below that now?

Because my friend who is making a new char wants to hop in my baal runs, and naturally I want him there, but don’t feel like he should not be getting drops. You can be below 80 and contribute to baal runs. Granted the majority won’t, but the people that are in my runs at lower levels are there for a reason. They contribute as well. Beit teleporting to throne, or to nith for me, etc.

I just don’t think an arbitrary leveling scale does anything for me, even though I am pretty much always the highest level in the game. I don’t want to scare off potential friends because they don’t no life baal runs like I do, and only occasionally want to gain a few levels.

Nothing changes with shared loot, you trust your friend enough he won’t ninja drops right? or can no one be trusted.

Hell do it as a monster level requirement so Act 1 hell it starts at 67 and act 5 hell ends at 85 so base the drop rate on the level of the player compared to the level of the content involved. If your at that content level or within -5 of the content you get no penalties to drops, any lower and your drop chances go towards the players within the same area but are able to do the content and contribute. All other odds for players able to do, or crush the content get the best odds.

No one wanting personal loot should argue with that change, or they are truly just wanting to leech items from stronger players.

Because I like examples so okay we are doing Act 1 Hell the requirement or act level is starting at 67. You have a party 75, 67, 65, 61, 60. Now they can leech xp just like before but now we gotta figure out drops.

Act 1 is starting at Level 67

Level 75 - 8 levels higher
Level 67 - Same level
Level 65 - 2 levels lower
Level 61 - 6 levels lower
Level 60 - 7 levels lower

The only ones in this case that clearly will not be helpful(and let’s just say this is pub to remove the random friends issue) are 61 and 60, at this point they are hurting us more than helping but we want to help them out. Should they receive 40% of the loot as well with their 0 effort needed?

Why not have their odds reflect possible contribution?

Level 65-67-75 can receive an increase in loot of 20% from the level 61 and 30% from the level 60. I just don’t see how not tying effort or ability to content doesn’t encourage much easier leeching.

We all know under 80’s in hell baal runs, especially full groups are basically useless, this calculation will keep that in mind, they can still get drops at 80 but any lower and their odds dramatically fall for drops as they should not be able to do this content anyways.