Personal loot is going to be introduced

Personal loot vs shared loot seems to be a hot topic here, despite the fact that it really is only a small part of the game. Probably ~90% of items are found in solo MF runs, so this is about the remaining ~10% only, mostly from chaos and baal xp runs. That alone would put it pretty low on Blizzard’s list of possible future changes. However, there is one other aspect of the game that is potentially very important here, which is, and now I will finish the sentence in the topic title, if/when they introduce cross platform play.

Diablo 2 is originally a PC only game, so this was never a problem for the original, but playing with a controller is very different from playing with a mouse and keyboard. Diablo 2 is a point and click game, so mouse and keyboard will always be way faster in terms of ninja-looting. Therefore, I highly doubt that Blizzard would introduce cross platform play without also introducing ploot.

I have a couple friends who will probably buy this game on console and as a PC player I would love to play with them, so in my humble opinion, it is time to end this topic in favor of the ploot crowd and make way for cross platform play!

I’m hoping for an actual discussion here, so please leave any toxic comments at the door.


I thought the discussion about this ended before it started. D2 is FFA. No such thing as personal loot or whatever you call it


Personal loot for bosses only, only if the option is selected, and no increase in the drops. The drops are personal for 5 seconds, then show for everyone. There, issue resolved.
Slams gavel down

Don’t complain when Hell Baal drops nothing, or just a single TP scroll or potion in a full public game. You’ll see LESS drops in a full game versus a game with a few people and even less than if you were running Baal solo. That’s what’s coming if ploot comes regardless if it’s game wide or just bosses only. :slight_smile:


It’s really all conjecture at this point. The logical basis may exist for Personal Loot but it is by no meaning required for it to work on consoles as you suggest. It’ll make life on consoles easier but it isn’t necessary because everyone on console will be playing at the same restrictive level (controllers).

Also it isn’t cross platform, it’s cross progression. The only cross platforming that will be happening is cross-gen console play.

No, it’s not going to be introduced, this has been settled already.


But drop increase is their next demand, why do you think they demand ploot? They think it’s their ticket to getting lots of prestigious items.


oh god please not another topic about this. No no and again no ploot. If you want loot go make a mf run or play D3 on console. Lerave this remaster alone you playstation hit of the week kiddies


I know that boss drops are the highest sought after drops. Ploot on boss drops only is as far as I’ll go. And no increased drops shenanegans.

If ploot is gamewide, the party is going to be so spread out due to people sniffing the ground for drops. FFA loot keeps the party together.


I am talking about console vs PC mostly. I just don’t see a console player being fast enough to pick up anything compared to the usual mouse clicking for PC players.

I am aware that cross platform play will not exist on launch, but I also read some post on blizzardwatch (can’t post link, sorry), which gives me the hope that they might introduce it later on.

Didn’t they also introduce cross platform play for Overwatch?

There will not be pleech. As said before, this discussion ended before it even started.


You could make the case for ploot on console based on the awkward way controllers pick up items, they will never be as easy for delicate maneuvering, but defo not for PC, the PC version at least is meant to be a faithful remaster, and changing the loot system is like tearing the fabric of the game in half.

The thing that would concern me though, is if they got it on console, the demands for PC/Bnet would immediately start, because enough is never enough for those who make demands.,


What does drop increase have to do with personal loot?


It’s the usual next demand, because those who want personal loot, only want it because they think it’s the key to getting lots of prestigious items, I did make that perfectly clear in my comment,.

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They will. The cat’s out of the bag the moment Rod Ferguson said “if” they implemented it, it would be an optional feature. They already know how they will do it. All the “it’s not going to happen” stuff is just public relations to get through launch without metacritic sabotage.


So the cat wasn’t put back into the bag when he said “relax, we are not doing it”?

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To plooters, that just means “we’re not doing it… yet.”


Gamewide ploot does not make sense for D2. In D3 you can see set/unique items on the map, but for D2, you would just be missing out on a lot of drops.

There is nothing left to discuss about this crap.
Ferguson said: NO PLOOT. Are you all too stupid to understand that ?!

you don’t want toxic comments ? Then stop asking about this BS all the time!

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It still does not have anything to do with eachother. You don’t need personal loot to ask for drop increases. Also, denying a request only because you are afraid for a second request does not make sense either, as you could just as well deny the second request.

I have no need for increased drop rates. I do have a need for more friends to play with.

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This is the case for most people that don’t think much about looting in Baal runs, such as the FFA croud… who then started crying because auto allocation would end their free ride.

A lot of things were settled and later changed. I get the feeling you will be severely let down if you put your head in the same and yell “not happening!”.

100% wrong. Making up stuff because your opinion is so devoid of valid points is typical of the FFA crowd.

Another “go play D3” reply. That’s no different than saying “If you don’t like D2R changes, go play D2 LoD”.