PC Visual gameplay options

Hello, I am a pc player with vision problems. The previous days, playing the BETA version of Diablo II resurrected (which was awesome btw), i have experienced some difficulties with the new graphics, that I didn’t face to such an extent with the former graphics in the game and I would like to notify you about them, mostly because I think improving these features it would make the gameplay easier and more fun for everyone. I have noticed that with the new graphics minions are indistinguishable in some cases as a result of the low brightness and color sharpeners. I would like the game to have the option to toggle on/off the health bars above minions so the players could track minions and playmates easier. For example, I find very convenient the existence of health bars in controller version and I would like something like that. Another issue that I noticed is that the rare item drops sometimes are difficult to stand out from the common item drops and this could easily lead a player to accidentally pass them. I would like to exist a variety of options to change the font color or some kind of special effect to make them more distinct. Thanks for reading this! :slight_smile:

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