PC Controller Support

Why does D3 lack controller support on PC? This game is over a decade old & even released on console with full controller support but PC users are forced to use the keyboard & mouse… If I use the keyboard & mouse too much, my wrists start to hurt. Seriously, it’s way past time for D3 to get official controller support on the PC platform…


Yeah man, Diablo 1 also came out on console and we never had a controller support on PC, while it’s 20+ years existence! They had time! WTF Blizz? Give controller support to D1.

See this is how ridiculous you sound. There are limitations of the system you can not ignore. And D3 did not make continueous income for the company to bother with such a thing.

D1 was designed exclusively for PC. Console mode was redesigned later. D3 design was primarily with console in core, hence the 6 button skill system oppose to traditional system. Its very easy to implant controller support on D3 oppose to D1 or D2. At the very least, can bring in console UI on PC to a degree.

Demanding controller support on D3 is a very valid request especially since D4 feels exactly like D3 in action playstyle.

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Unless MS has a different attitude on the matter, still doesn’t worth it.

Blizzard is a subsidiary, MS doesn’t care about these division tier decisions.

Seems unlikely as console versions was released over a year after the PC release. You would think it would have been simultaneous if console was a main point of development.

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There’s a lot of could have, would have, and should have been done with controller support on PC (and not to mention use of macros for those with a disability). But we’re talking about a game that’s a few days off from what looks like its final patch.

It’s very much pointless discussing significant features like this one at this point.

Not to mention the revamp to the loot system that was required for the end console release (effectively loot 1.5).

I think it’s pretty clear that console was not the core focus when D3 was being created.

Also, if a limited number of active skills denotes that a game is being created for console, then Path of Exile was created for console too.

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It’s weird how the myth about D3 being designed consoles in mind due to its 6 active skills refuses to die. People seem to forget that consoles and their controllers can support way more than 6 active skills.

The 6 active skills was a deliberate design choice, not any limitation imposed by any particular platform.


It was questioned back in the days why a 6 button skill system as made back when D3 was released during interview with Blizzard, the reply from Blizzard was for console release.

Care to link to that statement, because I sure can’t find any official statements that in any way can be interpreted like that.

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It’s been a long time since there was a post about this…

The only solution to see support for a controller on PC would be a D3R.

So you can keep your hopes up, but it won’t happen on the original D3.

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Alternatively, you can add the game to your Steam Library as a Non-Steam Game. You just need to configure the controller in Steam to work or try out some of the community layouts. I’ve also tried other programs like reWASD, but had better luck with Steam. Steam is also free, so there’s that too.

Gg with that. D3 is in maintenance… it’s a wrap