Patterns of Justice - SW/TR new set feed back

I like this ide heretic, but still need more dmg, mayby add tr dmg to the 10 000%, I still think it woun’t out perform. And change tr cold run to explode every 20 yards moved, with same damage it has around 50 stacks.

Ive been testing the set for a bit and it is a bit hard to run. I copied the build im using from “instability”. (#3 of the seasonal monk leaderboard) I have great rolls on my gear, and even still i barely scraped into t16.

It feels alot harder to make Patterns of Justice work with tempest rush than any corpse lance build, comdemn crusader, chantodo wiz, or barbarian.

There are 2 main struggles with the set.

  1. Tempest rush feels like how rend used to be in wrath of the wastes a little bit.
  2. The set is very squishy for melee.

Overall i love the art and i think the set is a great idea. Ive been grinding a bit with the set because i want to see it work well.

Its more that ok for the set to be overtuned for the first season its out. That way alot of player data can be collected very fast; as many people gravitate to the strongest sets.

A little bit of damage reduction could make the sets transition from t11 to t16 alot smoother, and more enjoyable.

As is, needing to keep cyclone strike, epiphany, spirit guards, and dashing strike buffs up at all times really hurts. Wave of light builds dont have to put in half the effort

as far as im concerned the only fix to this set is to not make it… Stop trying to make SW work, it made sense in vanilla not now, no proc rate, very uninteresting, hard to make do significant damage…

Honestly I kinda see this as them just slapping us in the face. NO monk shall ever smile again – dev team post s4


This is actually not dissimilar to my line of thinking. With so many Cyclone/Vacuum effects in the game now, it doesn’t feel like too much of an ask.

The whole reason I loved Sweeping Wind in Diablo 3 was because I could Cyclone Strike everything into it. Without this interaction it’s just not as fun. Basically this set feels like it should play like a Hurricane Barb.

2 Piece - Sweeping Wind gains the effect of every Rune,
4 Piece - Gain 1% Movement Speed and Damage Reduction for 10 seconds each time Sweeping Wind hits an enemy. Stacks 50 times.
6 Piece - Every second Tempest Rush causes a Cyclone Strike that increases the radius of Sweeping Wind by 1 yard for every enemy hit (upto 24 yards). Tempest Rush, Sweeping Wind and Cyclone Strike damage increased by 10,000%.

All 3 are thematically wind related. Cyclone Strike has no damage buffing legendaries (that buffs Cyclone Strike damage that is, not other things) so isn’t significantly powerful on it’s own, mostly included for flavor. Tempest Rush has a couple and would help complete the damage profile of the set.

Won’t ever happen, but we can dream.


Blizz should forget about TR in this Set, it supposed to boost SW, but problem of this Set is that TR is doing main dmg. There are better skills to implement into this Set, few examples have been written above.

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Unfortunately, I don’t have that much time to do mechanics or test on PTR anymore. I couldn’t even bring myself to test the new set like i normally would every PTR (verify multipliers, elements, etc). Did post a few legendary affix modifications in the PTR feedback as more of a wish-list of stuff I’d enjoy using (pasted below), but doubt much will change directly related to the set other than damage buff magnitude and maybe adding some DR. Maybe give sweeping wind the ability to “cleanse” ground effects, or deflect projectiles if straight up DR wasn’t fluffy enough.


Did you also see my suggestions to other builds / sets out there? Monk and what we really need

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I am afraid, we wount get mutch of what is needed to make the new set good, problem with monk is we have the survivarbility of a range class.

There is som seriusly bad design flaws with the monk.

I have played d3 on and of since if first came, and 90% monk, i love the monk.

To bad it dose not feel as devs play the monk mutch.

But i am still hoping next season will be awsom for the monk. Please blizzard listen to the monk community this time!

What is needed is a “Monk Buffs Proposal” similar to what the Barb’s did. A bunch of numbers need to be crunched to get a realistic idea of what is needed to balance out the builds and how much things need to change to achieve it.


it exists in general discussion forum but one should merge it with the ptr feedback and try to iron it out more.

Quin did a 104 with the new set @ ~1000 paragon. Not so bad. My take on this Set would be as follow:

Patterns of Justice
What is it about? Wind, Weather, Channeling and Movementspeed.

Feedback: I like the simplistic channeling style, that reminds you of the Barbarian Whirlwind skill.

Issues: Damage Mitigation, supporting Legendaries, missing power.

Possible solutions:
Damage mitigation: Add mitigation to the 4p. F.e. Your damage is reduced by 50% of your bonus movementspeed. Maximum 60% DR. Or give it Evasion, cause you can’t touch the wind.

Missing Power:
Warstaff of General Quang - Tempest Rush gains the effect of the Tailwind rune. And the damage of Sweeping Wind is increased by your total movement speed bonus, while channeling Tempest Rush.

Kyoshiro’s Soul - Sweeping Wind gains 2 stacks every second it does not deal damage to any enemies. ‘Sweeping Wind damage is increased by 150-250%’ or 'For every stack of Sweeping Wind, Spweeping Wind damage is in increased by 20-30%".

The damage multiplier should be moved from this primary spot.

Tempest Rush of right now is more or less like Rend used to be to Wastes Set…


Thats seasons. Its meaningless when you have op season buffs. You dont even need to kill elites, the buff 1 shots elites. And 500 streak 1 shot RG at 150. Class and set balances are meaning less when you design op buff like that. 4p already is 1 wiz + 3 supports, no more rgk.

Discussing improvement of class sets are meaningless until they fixed their broken season buffs firsf.


Since this seems to be THE feedback thread, i’ll throw in the input from another thread:

I think at this point it’s pretty clear to everyone that the damage is too low and it would still be too low even with TR incorporated in 6pc
Here’s what i’m thinking:

Change 4pc to : Gain 5% damage reduction for each stack of sweeping wind
It’s way too squishy. Having to run Crystal Fist, Unity, Lef and Spirit Guards is too much.

Change 6pc to Sweeping Wind and TR dmg is increased by 15-20k%

And, to fit the lightning theme of the build, something i have wished for a long time to make TR builds competitive:

WON KHIM LAU - New Legendary Power - Increase Tempest Rush damage by X %

Increase Tempest Rush damage by 20% for each stack of Sweeping Wind
TR needs another multiplier, WKL needs a legendary power- WIN WIN

As it stands right now , apart from curiosity, there is really no point in playing the set.


Good thinking :smile: miley: but my feelings its still not enough. The set feels underwelming even with 1 min power pylon. So i recommend at least 300-600% more damage than it currently has. Boosting 6pc bonus to 20k (100% more) and another support legendary item to be 250-300% is good start.

After further testing, I definitely think TR is unecessary to the build. They should replace it with Cyclone Strike and allow the 6 piece to buff CS. They should change the 4 piece to DR per stack of SW (monks don’t need more movement speed). I still think an additional SW weapon effect is needed. Ideally Staff of Kyro or Logan’s Claw could get a 300% to 400% buff to SW and CS. Eye of the Storm is very lackluster, it should be a bigger buff and potentially cause you to be the center (i.e. Eye of the Storm) and the SW cyclones orbit you (while having a bigger chance to be procced). Kyshiro’s Soul should be increased and the SW damage should be part of it’s legendary power. Playing the set with generators to proc DR and cyclones feels like an updated version of vanilla monks (which is pretty cool).


wkl would be more natural.
the cs dmg improvement sounds like another unbuffed spell gets included but yeah, the restriction to tr is bad.
also eots sounds more than bad since buff has a really bad restriction (even rgs are not solo) and ms is really not needed.
a vanilla playstyle sounds fun but then also gen needs to be buffed which would interact with r6 set. i’d also say there needs to be more buffing all dmg as well.
did anyone else try shenlong? it felt kind of bad to me, maybe vw + ef is the choice here? have no idea right now.

It took them AGES to finally include Rend so it does something for the WW set, it’s only fitting that they make another set with a useless ability tied to it (TR now) IN THE SAME PATCH.

Here’s hoping it won’t take the same amount of time to fix this one.

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I have messed around with the build for 2 days now because I was pretty interested with the monk getting this new set. Here are my conclusions about what I feel right now and also after discussing with other people in the PTR feedback forum.

So far, I would say that we would need :

  • Kyoshiro’s soul : complete the legendary affix with “increases SW dmg by 400-500%”,

  • Vengeful wind : increase the dmg buff from 300% to 500-600%,

  • 4P bonus : 50% DR and increases ASP by XX %,

  • buff the SW skill dmg in the 600% range,

  • forget about the TR story in the mix ! ; P

To further support these conclusions (mainly about DR and dmg lackings), I recorded my 103 clear at PL3200+ (credits to Cross, for the build, 110 clear at PL6500+) :


Ok, same build as cross, grift 100, floor 7 and first try finished. Ok, this variant with gen seems to be stronger but by far not enough. Switched to EF VW setup but this is not working, dmg is much worse.

Tomorrow the PTR should end, hopefully we get some changes. From what i’m seeing it’s the weakest set in the whole game by far (don’t know how the new sader set is doing but i believe that one is undertuned aswell).

Keeping fingers crossed maybe it gets buffed so you min maxers out there can get it to 130 ish

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